Orientations – Collected Writings.
London / Boston, Faber and Faber, 1986. 16 cm x 24 cm. 541 pages. Some black and white diagrams and bars of music throughout. Original Hardcover with the rare illustrated dustjacket in protective collector’s Mylar. Excellent, close to new condition with only minor signs of external wear.
Includes for example the following essays: Aesthetics and the Fetishists / Time, Notation and Coding / The Composer as Critic / An Interview with Dominique Jameux / Experiment, Ostriches and Music / Why I say ‘No’ to Malraux / The Bauhaus Model / Arousing Interest in New Music / Freeing Music etc.
Also includes chapters dedicated to many composers such as Beethoven, Wagner, Mahler, Satie, Schoenberg, Bartók, Stravinsky etc and tributes to Wolfgang Steinecke, Edgar Varese, T.W. Adorno, Bruno Maderna and a few others.
EUR 60,--
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