Plutarchi Commentarius Quomodo Adolescens Poetas Audire. Debeat Graece et Latine ex Interpretatione Xylandri Secundis Curis Recensitus Emendatus et Multis Animadversionibus Novis Illustratus Opera Io. Tob. Krebsii Illustris Moldani Rectoris.
Lipsiae, Sumtibus Caspari Fritsch, 1779. 13 cm x 19.5 cm. 248 pages. Original Hardcover 18th century full leather with raised bands and gilt lettering on spine. Bookplate to the front: “Scholae Reformatae Fridericianae – Francof. AD O. Sigilium Curatorum” [Frankfurt / Oder] and Bookplate to the rear for the student: Johann Jacob Braunmüller. The rare Krebs – Edition, in greek and latin. Very good condition with signs of external wear. Faded dampstain to lower, outer margins only (Text not effected). Slight browning to preliminary papers and pastedowns only.
Plutarchs commentary in both Greek and Latin on understanding or listening to the young poets as interpreted by Guillelmi Xylandri Augustani and edited by Johann Tobias Krebs.
Johann Tobias Krebs (16 December 1718, Buttstädt – 6 April 1782, Grimma) was a German scholar of classical literature and Hebrew literature. He wrote Decreta Romanorum pro Judaeis facta e Iosepho collecta et commentario historico-grammatico-critico illustrata, based on Josephus. He was also an editor of Hesiod (1746). He was rector of Grimma. He was a pupil of Johann August Ernesti. (Wikipedia).
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