Jill Duchess of Hamilton / Hart, Penny / Simmons, John / Berwick, Don (photography).
English Plants for your Garden.
London, Frances Linkcoln Limited, 2000. 23 cm x 28 cm. 176 pages. Original hardcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear.
Includes the following: Foreword by Dame Miriam Rothschild / Preface by John Brooks / Gardening With Native Plants / Herbaceous Flowers / Trees, Shrubs and Climbers / A New Deal for Native Plants / Suppliers of English Native Plants etc.
″This work offers a checklist of English native plants, providing gardeners with the full range of indigenous trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs, grasses and ferns that merit a place in private and public gardens. The authors show how gardeners can play a part in conserving England’s plant heritage. Local plants can lend gardens a sense of place and local identity, as well as providing havens for birds, butterflies and other animals. By growing garden-worthy natives with exotic plants, even the smallest outdoor space can be a living larder for wildlife, while contributing to the conservation of England’s plant heritage.” (Amazon)
EUR 38,--
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