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[Longford, Trackway Excavations in the Mountdillon Bogs, Co. Longford, 1985-1991

[Longford] Raftery, Barry.

Trackway Excavations in the Mountdillon Bogs, Co. Longford, 1985-1991.

Dublin, Crannog Publication, 1996. 21 cm x 29 cm. XII, 461 pages. Original softcover. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear. [Irish Archaeological Wetland Unit: Transactions, Volume 3].

Includes the following chapters: Introduction / Catalogue of Excavated Toghers / The Mountdillon Toghers / The Wider Context / Artefact Catalogue / Discussion of Wooden Artefacts / Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Woodworking Techniques / Wood Analysis / The Road and the Literature / Palaeo-environmental Aspects of the Trackway / Palaeoecological Studies at Corlea, 1988-1992 / Dendrochronolgoy of Irish Bog Trackways / The Insect Fauna (Coleoptera) from the Neolithic Trackways Corlea 9 and 10; the environmental implications / Summary and Conclusions / Zusammenfassung / Resume / Bibliography / Appendix 1: Wood Species Analysis Tables / Appendix 2: Experimental Hurdle Trackways / Appendix 3: Chemical Analysis of a Worked Wood Fragment from Corlea 6 / Appendix 4: A Stray Find of Wood from Derryoghil.

EUR 60,-- 

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Raftery, Irish Archaeological Wetland Unit: Transactions, Volume 3.