West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Dakers, The War-Time Greenhouse.

Dakers, J.S.

The War-Time Greenhouse. A Simple Guide to Home Food Production Under Glass.

London, Hazell, Watson & Viney Ltd, No Date (c.1942). 12 cm x 18 cm. 80 Pages. Original Softcover. Very good condition with minor signs of external wear.

Includes for example the following essays: The Greenhouse as a Useful Structure in the Cultivation of Early and Out-of-Season Vegetables and Salads.-Making Existing Houses Useful.-The Necessity of Good Soil.-Heating Methods and Suggestions. / Soils Necessary.-Making a Loam Heap.-The Value of a Propagating Pit.-Seed Sowing.-Pricking Off.-Potting.-Watering.-Materials Required. / The Principal Salad Crops and their Cultivation Under Glass / Peas, Beans and Root Vegetables for Forcing / Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Melons, Aubergines and Capsicums / etc.

  • Language: English
  • Inventory Number: 73042AB

EUR 48,-- 

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We ship per DHL Express

Dakers, The War-Time Greenhouse.