West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Turrell, Long Green.

Turrell, James.

Long Green.

Zürich, Turske and Turske, 1990. 26cm x 30cm. 151 pages. With 58 illustrations. Original Hardcover. Excellent, close to new condition. The price includes Worldwide free shipping per Courier UPS !

Includes for example the following chapters: In Constant Flux – the Search for the In-Between / Works 1967-1990 / Project Pieces / Shallow Space Constructions / Dark Spaces / The Irish Sky Garden / Conception / The Irish Sky Garden Sensing Spaces / The Birth of a Gesamtkunstwerk, etc.

EUR 98,-- 

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We ship per DHL Express

Turrell, Long Green.
Turrell, Long Green.
Turrell, Long Green.
Turrell, Long Green.
Turrell, Long Green.
Turrell, Long Green.
Turrell, Long Green.