The Republic of Dreams. Translated from the Portuguese by Helen Lane.
New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1989. 24.1cm x 16.7cm. 663 pages. Original hardcover with dustjacket. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.
This huge, mesmeric novel marks the debut in English of one of the most brilliant and admired of today’s Latin American writers.
It is a novel that brings before the reader four generations of a family torn between its Spanish past and its Brazilian present. It is a revelation of the complexities and astonishments not only of family life but of Brazil itself – a revelation also of the power of storytelling and the nature of dreaming.
As the novel opens, the matriarch Eulália has begun her final task – the task of dying. Long, long ago, when she came to Brazil from Spain, a young bride with her young and already formidable, iron-willed husband, Madruga, they brought with them the passion, inspired by Grandfather Xan, for making memories into tales – tales told as sustenance, proof, and hallmark, tales told as protection against the killing rush of time…
- (Publisher’s blurb on dusjacket).
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