West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Lynch, Like Gold to the Fire.

Lynch, Patricia Henigin.

Like Gold to the Fire. Poems.

First edition. Simsbury, Path-L Publications, 2001. 13,5 cm x 21,5 cm. 40 pages. Original Softcover. Brochure. Very good condition with some minor signs of external wear. From the library of swiss – american – irish poet Chuck Kruger. The title page is missing.

Contains among others the following poems:Earth Mother I; When the Gods Are Moving Again; Mahem; Earth Mother II; Day-Star Over Sarajevo: Winter ‘93; Sarajevo Mourns; I’m Too Young to Die: Under Guard-Sarajevo, ‘95; Mourning in Palestine Yitzhak Rabin: Dead November 4th, 1995: Mourning; Earth Mother III etc.

EUR 70,-- 

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Lynch, Like Gold to the Fire.
Lynch, Like Gold to the Fire.
Lynch, Like Gold to the Fire.