West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Melville, White Jacket: Or, The World in a Man-of-War.

Melville, Herman.

White Jacket: Or, The World in a Man-of-War. With an Introduction by William Plomer.

New York, Grove Press, Inc., 1956. 13.5 x 20cm. (16), 376 pages. Original softcover. Some signs of external wear, spine joint beginning to loosen, otherwise in very good condition. Minor text annotations. From the library of swiss – american – irish poet Chuck Kruger. [Evergreen, No. E43].

Based on the author’s experiences in 1834-44 as an ordinary seaman aboard the U.S. frigate United States, “White Jacket” won political support for its stand against the use of flogging as corporal punishment aboard naval vessels. It is not known if the novel was directly responsible for the cessation of flogging; however, members of Congress received copies of the novel during the Congressional debate over the issue, and flogging in the U.S. Navy was abolished that year. Subtitled The World in a Man-of-War, the novel depicts life aboard a typical frigate, the Neversink, and describes the tyrannies to which ship’s officers subject ordinary seamen and the appalling conditions under which the seamen live. [Merriam-Webster]

EUR 60,-- 

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Melville, White Jacket: Or, The World in a Man-of-War.
Melville, White Jacket: Or, The World in a Man-of-War.
Melville, White Jacket: Or, The World in a Man-of-War.