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British Colonial Administration (233 items)

Collection of the original Report Cards for the young Harry Luke when admitted to Elstree School (near Harrow)

175. [Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] / Elstree School Report Cards for Harry Charles Lukach and Elstree Notes.

Collection of the original Report Cards for the young Harry Luke when admitted to Elstree School (near Harrow), wher ehe is taught, among others, by Franklyn de Winton Lushington, later Archdeacon of Malta. Seventeen (17) items, including beeautifully detailed Report-Cards for Luke, Elstree Notes for 1896 as well as a Manuscript-Letter from the Headmaster John Stogdon: “Harrow, May 23, 96 – Dear Madam, will you kindly fill out all enclosed paper. I fear I am too full to take the boy so soon, but I will consider the case with others & let you know for certiain in a day or two. Truly yours J. Stogdon”. The Report Cards show an ever improving Luke already in Form V., who gets marks from his Classical Master, Franklyn de Winton Lushington: Week 1: “Latin Prose Excellent” / Week 2: “is weak in Greek Grammar” / Week 3: “tries hard and will do well” – Form VI.: Modern Languages: “Quick and intelligent” / “In every way excellent” / Form VII (Oct. 1895): Franklyn de Winton Lushington: “Has only been with me a week – Works extreemely well + is very accurate + intelligent” / His Modern Language Tutor, Jean le Medurier, writes: “very satisfactory” – “Inclined to be too talkative, otherwise very good” / Abstract – Report of Christmas Term 1895: “I wish there would be more like him in kennness & intelligence” / “A capital worker fond of his work” [By this time Luke is already first in his class of 12 in 4 of 6 evaluations] / “In the final Summer Term 1896 his ‘Form Master’, Franklyn de Winton Lushington, writes: “Always woprked well and keenly – It has been a pleasure to teach him” //

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Harrow, Elmstree School, 1895-1896. Octavo / Quarto. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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