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British Foreign Policy (198 items)

Manuscript letter by british colonial officer Claude Delaval Cobham to Harry Lukach, [later Sir Harry Luke]

72. [Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Luke, Sir Harry] Lukach, Harry Charles / [Claude Delaval Cobham (British Colonial Official in Cyprus (Larnaca)] / [Guy le Strange (British Orientalist).

Manuscript letter by british colonial officer Claude Delaval Cobham to Harry Lukach, [later Sir Harry Luke] in which Cobham reflects on a manuscript Luke had sent him for analysis: “My dear Lukach, I return the Ms. I lent it to Guy le Strange who showed it to Ellis [possibly Sir Ellis Hovell Minns], of the B.M. [British Museum] [who are] both skilled analysts”. Cobham continues about the manuscript: “It is a kind of Hagiology, but written by a Druze – hence the [?] of the mad Khalife Hakim bin amr allah as a Saint, and spells Salih, which is a Druze Mack. There are similar Mss. in the B.M. library but Ellis [?] not a Druze one – but they are of no great interest or Value. The writing is neat and very legible….I hope you are well and enjoying yourself. I start, I think, on Thursday for Coblenz and S. Blasien [that is St. Blasien], returning at the very end of August. Yours very truly – C. Delaval Cobham”.

S. James, July 27 (no year but c.1906). Small Octavo. 2 pages filled on one bifolium / Plus Letter from British Museum to Harry Charles Lukach regarding Admission to the Reading Room (19th of July 1906). Excellent letter by British Colonial official in Cyprus, Claude Delaval Cobham. Important letter which states the early influence of Luke in his love for Cyprus because by the time this letter was written and Luke had a relationship with this important scholar, Cobham had already written the important “Excerpta Cypria”. The ALS by Cobham came with a letter by the Director of the British Museum to H.C.Lukach regarding admission to the Reading Room of the B.M.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Luke, Genealogy / Family History / Newspaper - Cuttings

73. [Family History of Sir Harry Luke / Zamarski] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry / Joseph Harry Lukach (from Detroit, Michigan) / Eugenie Zamarski / Ludwig Johann Carl Zamarski (Publisher and Engraver from Vienna)].

Scrapbook with Genealogy / Family History / Large amount of Newspaper – Cuttings from the early days of J.H.Lukach’s marriage to Eugenie Zamarski in Vienna to the time of the move to New York. Including several pages of articles Harry Lukach wrote for a New York Newspaper and a wonderful postcard of the “S.S.Celtic” on which Luke travelled to his first job in New York in 1903. He writes that the Celtic is approaching Queenstown (Cobh) / Including Newspaper cuttings of Harry Luke’s father’s business with the London branch Hanover Fire Insurance Company of New York / Ephemera of The Lawrence Gas Company of Lancashire and Cheshire, Limited / Imuris Mines, Limited – Silver, Copper, Gold / Mining World / Interesting Ephemera like Calling cards and Invitation cards of New York Society extended to the Lukach family (for example calling cards of “The Metropolitan Museum of Art”, “The Manhattan Club” etc.) / Invitation by J.H.Lukach and his wife to the wedding of their daughter Lily Boys / etc. etc.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Wien / London / New York , c.1880 – 1930. Octavo. 100 pages. Hardcover. From the private collection of Eugenie Zamarski and Joseph Harry Lukach and subsequently their son: colonial official, governor, Lieutenant-Governor of Malta, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Luke, Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research Sir Harry Luke

80. [Family History Sir Harry Luke / Zander] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Motherby, Helene / The Society of Genealogists / Aristocratic Research of Family de Zander / Family History Zandrowitsch – Zander/.

Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research for the aristocratic Family ‘Zandrowitsch – Zander’. Sir Harry Luke who was related to the Zander family was assisted by a lady from Koenigsberg in Prussia. The lady in question,Genealogist Helene Motherby from Koenigsberg, writes in a letter from April 6th, 1910 to Luke’s posting in Sierra Leone and has some excellent news regarding her research of the Zander family. The letter includes a manuscript family tree of the Zander family (Carl Lazarus von Zander etc.) / In a second letter from 23rd of October1911, Helene Motherby requested information from a Heraldic Office in St.Petersburg. The original answer was written in Russian and a translation into german is accompanying the original document in which Helene Motherby was informed that information regarding an aristocratic family can only be granted if the requestor can proof his/her aristocratic ancestry connected to the family in question. The request was in detail answered by pointing to the relevant Genealogical Offices in Livland / Estland / Gouvernement Kiew. / Helene Motherby apologizes for the ‘meager’ result and urges Sir Harry Luke to become a member of ‘The Society of Genealogists’ in London. She encloses the first quarterly report of ‘The Society of Genealogists of London’ which also lists the members (among them Fraulein Helene Motherby) and also includes two prefilled application forms for Sir Harry that would allow him to join the Society (Helene Motherby has signed both papers as a guarantor). /

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Koenigsberg, 1910 / 1911. Octavo. 4 manuscript documents (incl. Manuscript postcard from Motherby to Luke and a manuscript family tree of the Zander family) / 2 signed applications for the ‘Society of Genealogists London’ / Ephemera Statutes of the Society of Genealogists of London / Original envelope. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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