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British Foreign Policy (198 items)

[Luke, Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research Sir Harry Luke

7. [Family History Sir Harry Luke / Zander] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Motherby, Helene / The Society of Genealogists / Aristocratic Research of Family de Zander / Family History Zandrowitsch – Zander/.

Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research for the aristocratic Family ‘Zandrowitsch – Zander’. Sir Harry Luke who was related to the Zander family was assisted by a lady from Koenigsberg in Prussia. The lady in question,Genealogist Helene Motherby from Koenigsberg, writes in a letter from April 6th, 1910 to Luke’s posting in Sierra Leone and has some excellent news regarding her research of the Zander family. The letter includes a manuscript family tree of the Zander family (Carl Lazarus von Zander etc.) / In a second letter from 23rd of October1911, Helene Motherby requested information from a Heraldic Office in St.Petersburg. The original answer was written in Russian and a translation into german is accompanying the original document in which Helene Motherby was informed that information regarding an aristocratic family can only be granted if the requestor can proof his/her aristocratic ancestry connected to the family in question. The request was in detail answered by pointing to the relevant Genealogical Offices in Livland / Estland / Gouvernement Kiew. / Helene Motherby apologizes for the ‘meager’ result and urges Sir Harry Luke to become a member of ‘The Society of Genealogists’ in London. She encloses the first quarterly report of ‘The Society of Genealogists of London’ which also lists the members (among them Fraulein Helene Motherby) and also includes two prefilled application forms for Sir Harry that would allow him to join the Society (Helene Motherby has signed both papers as a guarantor). /

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Koenigsberg, 1910 / 1911. Octavo. 4 manuscript documents (incl. Manuscript postcard from Motherby to Luke and a manuscript family tree of the Zander family) / 2 signed applications for the ‘Society of Genealogists London’ / Ephemera Statutes of the Society of Genealogists of London / Original envelope. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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Collection of the original Report Cards for the young Harry Luke when admitted to Elstree School (near Harrow)

11. [Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] / Elstree School Report Cards for Harry Charles Lukach and Elstree Notes / Franklyn de Winton Lushington, later Archdeacon of Malta.

Collection of the original Report Cards for the young Harry Luke when admitted to Elstree School (near Harrow), where he is taught, among others, by Franklyn de Winton Lushington, later Archdeacon of Malta. Seventeen (17) items, including beeautifully detailed Report-Cards for Luke, Elstree Notes for 1896 as well as a Manuscript-Letter from the Headmaster John Stogdon: “Harrow, May 23, 96 – Dear Madam, will you kindly fill out all enclosed paper. I fear I am too full to take the boy so soon, but I will consider the case with others & let you know for certiain in a day or two. Truly yours J. Stogdon”. The Report Cards show an ever improving Luke already in Form V., who gets marks from his Classical Master, Franklyn de Winton Lushington: Week 1: “Latin Prose Excellent” / Week 2: “is weak in Greek Grammar” / Week 3: “tries hard and will do well” – Form VI.: Modern Languages: “Quick and intelligent” / “In every way excellent” / Form VII (Oct. 1895): Franklyn de Winton Lushington: “Has only been with me a week – Works extreemely well + is very accurate + intelligent” / His Modern Language Tutor, Jean le Medurier, writes: “very satisfactory” – “Inclined to be too talkative, otherwise very good” / Abstract – Report of Christmas Term 1895: “I wish there would be more like him in kennness & intelligence” / “A capital worker fond of his work” [By this time Luke is already first in his class of 12 in 4 of 6 evaluations] / “In the final Summer Term 1896 his ‘Form Master’, Franklyn de Winton Lushington, writes: “Always woprked well and keenly – It has been a pleasure to teach him” //

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Harrow, Elmstree School, 1895-1896. Octavo / Quarto. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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Collection of twentyone (21) letters to Sir Harry Luke during his posting as colonial secretary in Freetown / Sierra Leone

13. [Sierra Leone Content] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry].

Collection of twentyone (21) letters to Sir Harry Luke during his posting as colonial secretary in Freetown / Sierra Leone (1924 – 1928). Twelve (12) of the letters are from J.H.Luke (Sir Harry’s father) and he discusses with him, as usual very opinionated, not only family matters but also politics, matters relating to the colonial administration. Interestingly J.H.Luke also follows and influences the career of his son Harry by alerting him in a letter from April, 2nd, 1928 of the fact ‘that the Chief Secretaryship of Palestine has become vacant by the appointment of Colonel Symes as Resident at Aden….’ / In another letter from April 13th, 1928, J.H.Luke writes to his son Harry: ‘I am glad you took time to consider the Transjordan post – until you heard of the vacancy in Palestine; / He also informs him that he heard that ‘Guggisberg [that was Sir Frederick Gordon Guggisberg] was offered the Governorship of British Guiana (before the change in the Constitution) which he declined’. / In another letter he informs his son that ‘The rumours about Guggisberg going to Newfoundland have been contradicted in the Times’ / J.H. Luke also thanks his son for the interesting lecture on Slavery in Sierra Leone. / The other letters contain more poltical talk, society talk (often a mixture of both when for example J.H.Luke talks about the marriage of the former Miss Janet Phillips to a member of the British diplomatic corps, Leander McCormick-Goodhart). Four of the letters are from Luke’s mother one from a friend called Amelie and one from his sister Lily.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London / Sierra Leone, 1928. Octavo. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Correspondance of 10 letters between Sir Harry Luke and Commander J.R. Clay of Clay's Marine Steering Gear

15. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry].

Correspondance of 10 letters between Sir Harry Luke and Commander J.R. Clay of Clay’s Marine Steering Gear Limited on behalf of his father J.H.Luke, who was a partner in the company and held a patent on Steering Gear used in the ships of the ‘White Star Line’ from which J.H. Luke hoped to get an income. Sir Harry took over the correspondance from his father who fell ill during the year 1930. The collection of letters is very interesting in regard of the company’s relation ot The Stottpool Steamship Company’ – the fate of the company being discussed in the paper as ‘COMPANY WITHOUT CAPITAL’ – Nothing coming in or going out (Owner were: J.H.Luke / Sir A. Henry Mc Mahon / Comm. J.R.Clay / Lord Southborough / Sir Harry receives information from Commander Clay in a letter from July 17th, 1930 regarding the fact that ‘We have not had any further orders for the Gear, but as previously mentioned to you there is another Motor Vessel similar to the ’″Britannic” building in Belfast for the White Star Line, and we should be able to get the order for her’. The correspondance goes into detail: ‘You will note from the pamphlet which i prepared that the new helm order will become law on the 30th of June 1931. When in Belfast on the trials of the “Brittanic” I met one of the Committee of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea…..He represents the Gyro Compass Company in London and i hopeto bring him to see you as I consider he will be able to help us considerably by recommending the adoption of the Steering Gear Device.’ / The correspondance mainly between Liverpool and Sir Harry Luke’s summer – address in Alt-Aussee, Steiermark, Austria. / The correspondance also includes a manuscript letter in which Sir Harry writes about his fathers illness and wonders if it is really worthwhile to renew the patent in light of the fact ‘that for so many years hardly any line except th White Star Line has adopted the Gear’. [The collection also includes a further 8 letters and also the papers of the estate of Sir Harry’s father. Sir Harry corresponds with his families solicitor, Oliver Dayrell Paget Paget-Cooke and besides the technicalities of the estate also encourages him to visit Malta / one page also on stationery of “The Palace – Malta”].

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Octavo. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Correspondance between Professor Jean la Cecilia (Professeur d'Anglais au Lycee de Foix)

16. [Palestine Content] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry] / Pirie-Gordon, Harry.

Fantastic letter from Harry Pirie-Gordon to Sir Harry Luke’s father, helping him to solve an issue regarding a Napoleon-letter / Correspondence between Professor Jean la Cecilia (Professeur d’Anglais au Lycee de Foix), J.H.Luke, the editor of THE TIMES and subsequently a letter from J.H.Luke reporting the outcome to Sir Harry Luke, regarding an original Napoleon – letter, and Napoleon’s Services to European Peace. Interesting correspondence and newspaper – clipping of the published article as a consequence of the correspondence. With some interesting, patriotic remarks. Also included a wonderful letter from J.H.Luke to his son Harry Luke in Palestine on occasion of Luke regarding the Napoleon-letter-incident Priri-Gordon helped him with and to express his disappointment that Harry and family can not holiday with him because he is succeeding (or standing in for) Lord Plumer [that is Field Marshal Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, 1st Viscount Plumer] in his role as High Commissioner of the British mandate in Palestine: “The one …i can find in that ‘acting’ for a man like Lord Plumer at the outset will add to your prestige…”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London / Cap de la Ville (Foix), 1928. Octavo. Five letters in total. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Eight - page - Manuscript letter (MLS) to Sir Harry and manuscript evaluation of personnell at Government House (Fiji)

22. [Pacific Content] – [Luke, Harry Sir / Lukach, Harry] Arthur Richards, 1st Baron Milverton.

Eight – page – Manuscript letter (MLS) to Sir Harry together with a 27-page manuscript-evaluation of local personnell at Government House (Fiji) as well as local politicians and possible agitators in Fiji and the British Western Pacific Territories from Arthur Richards, 1st Baron Milverton, in his capacity as Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner of the British Western Pacific Territories. This letter and the manuscript evaluations were sent by Richards on July 10th, 1938, on Stationery from Government House (Fiji) in order to inform Luke of the special situation of the posting before Sir Harry would take over the post (from 1938 – 1942). Very intriguing insights into colonial portraiture of possible troublemakers in the colonial service, excellent service men, clerks, and also recommendations for promotions etc. Arthur Richards evaluation of Sir Alport Barker, owner of ‘The Fiji Times & Herald’ is exemplary for the opinionated report to Sir Harry and one of the remarkable reports on ‘European Members of the Legislative Council on Fiji and the British Western Pacific Territories: ‘Aplort Barker – Has been an elected member for about twelve years, ex-mayor of Suva, owns the Fiji Times = Herald – Member of Executive Council / Has a small-minded, narrow outlook partly the result of physical disability. Lame from early days owing to infantile paralysis. Very anxious to get a knighthood. He has an intimate knowledge of local affairs and is often useful. He could be more useful if he were not so petty and spiteful.Very sensitive of slights, real on imaginary. / Apolosi [that was Apolosi Nawai] – Arthur Richards describes him as follows: ‘Apolosi – A man of the people. Fijian agitator & leader. The John the Baptist of a possible future. An ignorant misguided man with a great natural flair for speaking. Can sway words + is to some extent feared by the Chiefs because of his influence. The papers on him are worth reading. He is at present banished to Rotuma but the term expires at the end of 1939, when despite filaria + increasing age (he is well over 50) he will be a man to be watched. / Arthur Richards goes on to report on the ‘Council of Chiefs (Fiji)’’ where matters of interest to the Fijian people are discussed, resolutions are passed and answers are given’ – He informs Sir Harry that ‘The Council has been postponed until Oct. 18th [1938] to enable you to preside. The position of Governor carries immense prestige with the Fijians’. Richards also informs Luke that ‘no ladies, except the Governor’s wife should be present at the opeimus’. In total Arthur Richards talks about c. 32 people in his evaluations and he also gives Sir Harry Luke some information on the Coconut Estates on Fiji, Mines, Suva Yacht Club etc. He goes on to talk about Sir Harry Luke’s arrival and swearing in as governor and taking the oath ‘the whole being relayed over the wireless’ / ‘I assure you that the whole of Fiji + much of the Western Pacific will be listening in, so make a good speech.’ / Magnificent, confidential report between two important representatives of the British Empire during a very sensitive period of world history.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Suva (Fiji), Government House, 1938. Octavo / Quarto From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Four Original, Typed Letters from A.F.Richards [that was Arthur Frederick Richards, 1st Baron Milverton]

26. [Pacific Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry] / Arthur Frederick Richards, 1st Baron Milverton (High Commissioner for the Western Pacific 1936 – 1938) / Dawe, A.J. (Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office (also operating from Downing Street)) / Kennedy, Donald Gilbert] / J.C. Barley [R.C. (Resident Commissioner on Ocean Island)].

Four Original, Typed Letters from A.F.Richards [that was Arthur Frederick Richards, 1st Baron Milverton] in his capacity of High Commissioner for the Western Pacific during the years 1936 – 1938. These four letters were compiled as Memorandum of the British Western Pacific Islands, particularly the Gilbert Islands and were compiled by Richards for A.J.Dawe, then Under Secretary of State for the Colonial Office, who sent them on to Sir Harry Luke in an official envelope “On His Majesty’s Service” , stamped with the seal of the Secretary of State – Colonial Department. The letters with manuscript annotations and markings bear manuscript annotations and markings by Sir Harry Luke in pencil. The four letters stretch over 44 Folio-pages and are a detailed “Situation-Report” of nearly all the islands in the realm of the Gilberts and some other Islands. Richards reports for example about Ocean Island, Tarawa, Nauru, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Rotuma and Taveuni, Marshall Islands and Butaritari, Beru, Nanumanga, Vaitupu, Samoa, Fiji, Apolosi, etc. etc. which was forwarded by the Secretary of State-Office to Sir Harry Luke, who succeeded A.F.Richards as High Commissioner for the Western Pacific in 1938, after a brief period in which Sir Cecil Barton was installed as actiong High Commissioner only. The Letters / Memorandum are very detailed and strikingly honest in its assessment of certain colonial officers in charge of their stations. Richards does not hold back in criticism for the lack of style and efficiency in running their stations.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. [Pacific], June 1937 – August 1937. Slim Folio. 44 pages, stapled. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal working copy. Very good condition.

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[Luke, Genealogy / Family History / Newspaper - Cuttings

27. [Family History of Sir Harry Luke / Zamarski] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry / Joseph Harry Lukach (from Detroit, Michigan) / Eugenie Zamarski / Ludwig Johann Carl Zamarski (Publisher and Engraver from Vienna)].

Scrapbook with Genealogy / Family History / Large amount of Newspaper – Cuttings from the early days of J.H.Lukach’s marriage to Eugenie Zamarski in Vienna to the time of the move to New York. Including several pages of articles Harry Lukach wrote for a New York Newspaper and a wonderful postcard of the “S.S.Celtic” on which Luke travelled to his first job in New York in 1903. He writes that the Celtic is approaching Queenstown (Cobh) / Including Newspaper cuttings of Harry Luke’s father’s business with the London branch Hanover Fire Insurance Company of New York / Ephemera of The Lawrence Gas Company of Lancashire and Cheshire, Limited / Imuris Mines, Limited – Silver, Copper, Gold / Mining World / Interesting Ephemera like Calling cards and Invitation cards of New York Society extended to the Lukach family (for example calling cards of “The Metropolitan Museum of Art”, “The Manhattan Club” etc.) / Invitation by J.H.Lukach and his wife to the wedding of their daughter Lily Boys / etc. etc.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Wien / London / New York , c.1880 – 1930. Octavo. 100 pages. Hardcover. From the private collection of Eugenie Zamarski and Joseph Harry Lukach and subsequently their son: colonial official, governor, Lieutenant-Governor of Malta, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Correspondence between Peter Luke and Sir Harry Luke while lhe was living on Cyprus

33. [Private Materials Sir Harry Luke] – [Luke, Harry Sir / Lukach, Harry]. Luke, Peter / Luke, Michael.

Important typescript mentioning Cyprus, with manuscript annotations by Sir Harry Luke – the typescript is a copy of a letter which Sir Harry Luke wrote to his son Michael Luke on December 1st, 1963 from his residence in 96 Hellas Street, Kyrenia and Luke informs his son of Harrap (Publisher) urging him on to publish a revised edition of his Cyprus book. Luke writes: “The day before i left Harraps asked me if I would be willing to do a revised edition of my Cyprus book. I did not even know that the stock was down to its last few copies. I naturally said yes, and that is what i am working on now. It is involving, in fact, quite a bit of thought and work because I will have to trace the painful transition from British Crown Colony, which Cyprus was then, to Independent republic.” – Luke also reflects on the recent assassination of JFK: “The Dallas outrage is indeed a world tragedy. Not only is it the case that the world’s most valuable life of the moment has been taken; we have all lost something young, buoyant and infinitely engaging”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, 1964. Octavo. Thirteen (13) letters and one Telegram and one photograph in total: 6 Letters from Peter Luke to his father, Sir Harry Luke / 2 manuscript draft – letters from Harry Luke / 2 annotated typescripts by Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from Michael Luke to his father, Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from Lloyds Bank to Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from June Luke (Peter Luke’s wife) in which June refers to the tragedy Cyprus is experiencing during the intercommunal violence between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots on “Bloody Christmas”. June Luke is feeling with Sir Harry Luke “…i hear you have been through so many rebellions and revolutions that this will seem nothing ! – But all the same it must be very depressing for you to witness such turmoil in a country that you love so well”. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Interesting Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) from Harry Luke's friend Ines Burrows

34. [Palestine / Transjordan / Israel / Egypt / Suez] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Burrows, Ines / [Sir Bernard Alexander Brocas Burrows].

Interesting Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) from Harry Luke’s friend, Ines Burrows, wife of British Diplomat, Sir Bernard Alexander Brocas Burrows, written from Sir Bernard’s posting in Bahrain, hinting at “The Suez Crisis” and the “British–French–Israeli invasion of Egypt in 1956”. Written on Stationery of “The Residency – Bahrain – Persian Gulf”, Ines Burrows describes part of their life during Sir Bernard’s posting in 1953 as “Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, based in Bahrain and handling relations with Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the seven Trucial States (Wikipedia). After Ines Burrows asks Sir Harry Luke how long he will be staying with them she describes their life of Dinner Parties and their wish to not constantly be invited by those guests who feel they have to reciprocate. But the interesting parts of the letter clearly hint at meetings between Sir Bernard Burrows and the “Rulers”, just weeks prior to the outbreak of the “Suez Crisis” and the letter also delves into Burrows’ opinion of the Gulf States and into an arrangement of need to know between Sir Bernard’s official work and his wish to not disclose any of it to his wife Ines: “Darling, I quite forgot to say in my last letter (which I thought you knew) that the Goddard ….left Kuwait about a year ago- I don’t know if you thought they had come here ? Anyway I will do my very best to be as free as possible from rehearsals when you do arrive…….This place is still in a State. Bernard is constantly about. The Rulers came and spend 2 1/2 hours in the drawing room yesterday [5th of September,1956] & it was followed by an afternoon at the Palace & another conference. Things are now going a bit better and the news will “break” in due course. Bernard is very discreet & says respectfully that its better I shouldn’t know, in case my eyes should light up ….visible understanding if anything is asked or mentioned at a dinner party. Our [?] trip seems now to be starting on Saturday – if nothing worse happens……Much much Love…Ines”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Bahrain [Persian Gulf], 6th of September, 1956. A4. Four pages on two sheets, with original envelope, cancelled in Bahrain and sent to Sir Harry Luke at Kuching, Sarawak, while staying with Sir Anthony Foster Abell KCMG, then Governor of Sarawak. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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Sir Harry Luke - Long (2-page) Manuscript Letter (MLS) / Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Christopher Pirie-Gordon

39. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry] / Pirie-Gordon, Christopher.

Long (2-page) Manuscript Letter (MLS) / Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Christopher Pirie-Gordon, 14th Laird of Buthlaw, “formerly Assistant-Resident in Amman and seconded for service under the Foreign Office, following the winding-up of the Palestine Administration”, to Sir Harry Luke from Pirie-Gordon’s post in Taiz (Yemen). Pirie-Gordon writes: “‘My dear Harry Charles, thank you so very much for your recent letter. Iremain almost aghast at the extent of your “wanderlust”. Brazil and Penang combined with almost permanent residence in Malta and a flat in London seem quite a good way of keeping at bay in suggestion of the humdrum or routine in life”. Pirie-Gordon describes his recent activities, including a ‘visit to stay with our Ambassador in Addis Ababa’, where he found the Ethiopians ‘a friendly courteous people’. Regarding the situation in the Yemen Pirie-Gordon writes: “We have been through a rough summer here during the Crown Prince’s period of Regency with one unpleasant afternoon in Taiz when the army ran amok”. The fact that the country did not have ‘the long awaited revolution then, when the Imam [Ahmad bin Yahya] was out of the country’, has convinced Pirie-Gordon ‘that revolutionaries of the necessary calibre are just not to be found locally’. Of the Imam he writes: “If someone bumps the old man off (no easy undertaking) or if Allah decides that he can do without him no longer then all hell will be loose and the War of the Roses will probably be declared at once.” In the meantime the country will ‘probably slide into a nice quiet anarchy’. Regarding ‘His Majesty’s gracious message’, Luke’s ‘mental imagery’ of ‘the Dragon breathing fire’ is ‘not inapt’. Pirie-Gordon now turns to his own future, which ‘remains shrouded in mystery’. His aim is to secure a ‘particular post’, despite ‘the Ambassador in the country concerned’, who is ‘anxious to have it for an old boyfriend of his own’. The letter ends with Pirie-Gordon describing his ‘highly international social life’, which, he declares, ‘suits me well’.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Taiz [Yemen], 8 October, 1959. Quarto. Two pages. From Sir Harry Luke’s personal library. The letter comes with a publication, edited by Hector Bolitho: “The British Empire”, in which are contained two essays on the Colonial History of the Empire by Sir Harry Luke: I.The Mediterranean Colonies and Aden” / II. “The British Islands of the Pacific”.

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Manuscript / Autographed Letter Signed (MLS / ALS), marked as "Private / Personal", from Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Tompkins to Harry Luke

41. [Cyprus Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry] / Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Tompkins / Sir Malcolm Stevenson [Governor of Cyprus] / William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore / [Leo] L.S. Amery / etc.

Manuscript / Autographed Letter Signed (MLS / ALS), marked as “Private / Personal”, from Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Tompkins to Harry Luke while Luke was Colonial Secretary of Sierra Leone. Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Tompkins writes in this embittered letter to Luke “I am very very grateful indeed for all you have done & your sympathy on my case….It is more than kind of you to write again to Sir Ronald Storrs in Cyprus…For he seems to be a honored minded & certainly most sympathetic man. What good he has already done in the old Island & I sincerely hope he will get the reward indeed he deserves….I am waiting and waiting for Justice…..so there is nothing for me but to express at all costs to me personally the ways & intrigues of the Cyprus department at the Colonial Office & the cowardly malice….of Cyprus Official (Governor to Staff of Secretary) 1920 to 1923 …..2 men are dead..[Fenn ?] & last week General Sir H[arold] Ruggles – Brise of the Officers Association but I hold the personal letters of the former & the Committees letters of the latter which proofs deliberate antagonisation to my ever getting employment. For what reason ? “Gore [that is William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore, 4th Baron Harlech] & Stevenson [that is Sir Malcolm Stevenson] Ellis & ?” only Rumours [?]. This cruel treatment has ruined me + broken my home but I am not going under the ground without a Fight & by that I mean a real Fight & exposure. Amery [Leo / L.S.Amery [colonial secretary to Stevenson [governor, Cyprus] & Ormsby – Gore are infallible & they’re being grossly deceived by their permanent Staff….”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, June 27, 1927. 4 pages on one A4 folded sheet. From Sir Harry Luke’s personal library.

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Manuscript letter by british colonial officer Claude Delaval Cobham to Harry Lukach, [later Sir Harry Luke]

44. [Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Luke, Sir Harry] Lukach, Harry Charles / [Claude Delaval Cobham (British Colonial Official in Cyprus (Larnaca)] / [Guy le Strange (British Orientalist).

Manuscript letter by british colonial officer Claude Delaval Cobham to Harry Lukach, [later Sir Harry Luke] in which Cobham reflects on a manuscript Luke had sent him for analysis: “My dear Lukach, I return the Ms. I lent it to Guy le Strange who showed it to Ellis [possibly Sir Ellis Hovell Minns], of the B.M. [British Museum] [who are] both skilled analysts”. Cobham continues about the manuscript: “It is a kind of Hagiology, but written by a Druze – hence the [?] of the mad Khalife Hakim bin amr allah as a Saint, and spells Salih, which is a Druze Mack. There are similar Mss. in the B.M. library but Ellis [?] not a Druze one – but they are of no great interest or Value. The writing is neat and very legible….I hope you are well and enjoying yourself. I start, I think, on Thursday for Coblenz and S. Blasien [that is St. Blasien], returning at the very end of August. Yours very truly – C. Delaval Cobham”.

S. James, July 27 (no year but c.1906). Small Octavo. 2 pages filled on one bifolium / Plus Letter from British Museum to Harry Charles Lukach regarding Admission to the Reading Room (19th of July 1906). Excellent letter by British Colonial official in Cyprus, Claude Delaval Cobham. Important letter which states the early influence of Luke in his love for Cyprus because by the time this letter was written and Luke had a relationship with this important scholar, Cobham had already written the important “Excerpta Cypria”. The ALS by Cobham came with a letter by the Director of the British Museum to H.C.Lukach regarding admission to the Reading Room of the B.M.

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[Luke, Manuscript Letter from Sir Harry Luke to his sister Lily during his posting in Sierra Leone

46. [Sierra Leone Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry / Edward, Prince of Wales / Edward VIII].

Important Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed from Sir Harry Luke to his Father, Mother & Sister Lily during his second posting in Sierra Leone, this time as Colonial Secretary of Sierra Leone. Sir Harry describes at length the visit of the Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) to the Colony in 1925: “My dear Father & Mother & Lily, To-day being Easter Monday I am spending in bed in an endeavour to recover from the fatigues of a trying but successful week. The Prince’s visit …..may be said to have been an unqualified success; & I hope you will look out for photos of it in the daily & weekly press”. Luke describes how he was sitting next to the Prince at lunch and later he had a ‘chance of telling him two stories which seemed to amuse him’. In his four-page-letter, Sir Harry continues: ‘I also talked to him at the Garden Party [the photograph of Sir Harry Luke next to the Prince of Wales at the Garden Party is a famous image of the Prince’s visit to Sierra Leone and the original is part of the collection]”. “He is very pleasant, but frightfully nervous & fidgety & leads an impossible life. After the very streanous profanities…..he insisted on playing Squash, despite the great heat, before the Dinner party, then after the ball went motoring to the beach with some of the more attractive of the Ladies, then went to some of their houses & danced & drank cold beer until 5 in the morning. When he went to bed for 2 hours. Apparently he seldom sleeps for more than that. At Dinner, when he was sitting between 2 very dark & matriarchical women (one of the Lady S.) he looked across at me with a smile & a wink. After he left I went for a day’s cruise in ‘HMS Endeavour’, the Survey Ship now working here, for a bit of rest…[..]”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. [Freetown] Sierra Leone, 1925. Octavo. 4 page letter (on two sheets). From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autograph Letter Signed (ALS) from Lieut - Col. Charles William Henry Sealy

48. [Cyprus Content] – [Luke, Harry Charles] /

Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autograph Letter Signed (ALS) from Lieut – Col. Charles William Henry Sealy (‘CWHS’) to Sir Harry Charles Lukach (later Sir Harry Luke), addressed to Luke as Lieut-Commander H. C. Lukach – Chief Secretary’s Office – Troodos, Cyprus). Sealy apologises profoundly for not writing and informs Luke about prices for certain stamps. But the main reason for the letter seems to be an item Luke had waited for from Sealy, an enclosed Manuscript-Family-Tree of the orientalist James Justinian Morier [Author of ‘The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan (1824)’ and fellow Traveller of the Levant and also emplyed as Diplomat]. he letter was obviously started twice by Sealy, at different dates but the letter was finally finished and sent 25th of July, 1916: “Dear Luke, I am a pig not to write – I’m sory & tomorrow I swear I will sit down & [write] you the letter of the year – / Dear Luke, here is some Morier stuff – if you want any more let me know, there is a reasonable notice of him in DNB. Prices of Salonikas are good – a man has offered twenty guineas for a complete set used on an envelope – and one such envelope has actually been sold for £20 and another – just the same – for £25….Long Island overprinted on Turkish – they ask £15 each ! – No job yet – but I worked at Admiralty yesterday to please a pal. Best salams CWHS”. / The enclosed Family Tree tree begins with James Morier’s father Isaac Morier, and his maternal grandfather David Van Lennep, ‘Dutch Consul general in Smyrna President of Dutch Levant Co’. At the foot is a list of seven works by James Morier, with dates. The Morier – Family Tree also includes Clara van Lennep.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. [London], [on stationery of Charles William Henry, 6 Priory Grove, The Boltons, [London], 25 July, 1916. Octavo. 2 pages. Very good condition. From the personal collection of Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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[Luke, Manuscipt Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) sent to Harry Luke

49. [Palestine Content] – [Luke, Harry Charles] Wilson, Sir Arnold Talbot.

Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) addressed to Harry Luke at “The Athenaeum” to congratulate him on becoming the next Lieutenant-Governor of Malta. Wilson uses the occasion to also spread his “Anti-Zionism” by bragging about a lecture he just held in front of the Palestine Society: “Dear Luke, I want to congratulate you very heartily on your appointment to Malta, to which I may be permitted to add an expression of my personal delight at the report of the Palestine Commission so far as it refers to you. I was confident that you would emerge with credit, & indeed nailed my colours to the mast by lecturing to the [?] Palestine Society in January, in a sense far from [?] to Zionism, & saying that I was confident that the Commission would absolve the principal officials, and that the Zionists had made a great error in making an attack on them. I believe I am the only Anti-Zionist who has ever spoken to them! I can send you if you like a copy of my notes ! It is curious that having had your fill of Jewry you should be posted to Malta where the Vatican will be your principal preoccupation. May God – the God of sound Protestants – speed you ! Yours sincerely A.T.Wilson”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London [Britannic House], 13th of June, 1930. Quarto. 2 pages on one page of Stationery from Wilson’s office at Britannic House. From the personal collection of Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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