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English History – Rare (76 items)

Joseph Addison / Richard Steele - The Spectator [Rare Dublin Edition, 1778]

2. Addison, Joseph / Steele, Richard.

The Spectator [This is the Rare Dublin Edition with Bookseller-Label of T. Connolly (Dublin)]. [With Frontispiece – Illustrations by Pierre-Alexandre Aveline, Jacques Philippe de Bas and Francis Hayman].

8 Volumes (complete set). Dublin, Printed for W.Wilson, 1778. Small Octavo. Volume I: Frontispiece, VI, 325 pages plus 14 unnumbered pages of an Index (includes the notable essay “Inkle and Yarico” (Spectator 11) / Volume II: Frontispiece, IV, 336 pages plus 6 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume III: Frontispiece, IV, 314 pages plus 10 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume IV: Frontispiece, VI, 303 pages plus 9 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume V: Frontispiece, III, 301 pages plus 11 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VI: IV, Frontispiece, 305 pages plus 19 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VII: Frontispiece, V, 333 pages plus 9 unnumbered pages of an Index / Volume VIII: Frontispiece, VIII, 300 pages plus 12 unnumbered pages of an Index [includes the Bookseller’s copyright-warning to the Reader that “no other Papers which have appeared under title of Spectator, since the closing of this eighth Volume, were written by any of those Gentlemen who had a hand in this or the former Volumes”. Hardcover / Original 18th century full leather. All Volumes firm and with some stronger rubbing (no broken spines or weak hinges). Binding of all eight Volumes look overall poor, with spinelabels missing or broken. Interior in excellent condition with some occasion faded dampstains but overall no browning and all the frontispieces in place. The Dublin Edition comes rarely to the market !

EUR 220,-- 

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Montgomery Martin, The British Colonies; Their History, Extent, Condition and Resources

10. Martin, Robert Montgomery.

The British Colonies; Their History, Extent, Condition and Resources. 6 Volumes bound in 3 Volumes (Text only without maps and illustrations). The Set includes: Volume I – British North America / Volume II – Australia / Volume III – New Zealand, Tasmania / Volume IV – Africa and the West Indies / Volume V – British India / Volume VI – Ceylon, East India and Meditteranean Settlements /

First Edition. London and New York, The London Printing and Publishing Company [that was J. and F. Tallis], no year (c. 1850). Quarto (20 cm x 27 cm). Volume I (British North America [Canada / USA]): Frontispice illustrated titlepage, XXIV, 360 pages with pages 1 – 9 missing / Volume II (Australia): pages 361 – 744 pages / Volume III (New Zealand / Tasmania): II, 384 pages. / Volume IV (Africa and the West Indies): II, 188 pages / Volume V (British India): II, 564 pages with pages 455 – 456 missing / Volume VI (Ceylon, East India and Mediterranean Settlements): II, 172 pages. Hardcover / Original, decorative publisher’s halfleather with gilt lettering and ornament to spines. Bindings rubbed but overall in firm and very good condition with only minor signs of wear. All maps and illustrations besides one illustration removed by a previous owner. In the course of removal of maps and illustrations, one page slightly torn and 11 pages of text missing. This is still one of the most important text-sources of British Colonial History, itsevaluation in Britain and a plethora of data on economical and political impact the Colonies had for the former Empire. No other contemporary 19th century publication includes details on colonial produce, movement of population and local History from Tasmania to Quebec, from Hong Kong to Heligoland (Helgoland), and in general on the depition of “England, the ‘Nursing Mother’ of Nations” (Introductory page XXIV by Montgomery Martin).

EUR 370,-- 

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