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18th Century – Rare (162 items)

Milton, Paradise Lost - A Poem in Twelve Books.

64. 18th century Illustrated Edition of Paradise Lost – Milton, John.

Paradise Lost – A Poem in Twelve Books. A New Edition, with Notes of various Authors, by Thomas Newton [Complete with two Portraits and 12 plates].

Two Volumes (complete set). London, Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S.Draper, 1749. Large Quarto (23 cm x 27.5 cm). Pagination of Volume One: Frontispiece-Portrait of a young John Milton, [18 unnumbered pages of Dedication and Preface], LXI pages of “The Life of Milton”, [5 unnumbered pages of Homage in Verses by Samuel Barrow [Physician to Charles II. and admirer of Milton] and also the important poem on Milton’s Paradise Lost by Andrew Marvell [English Metaphysical Poet and Milton’s ‘Latin Secretary’], 16 pages of “A Critique upon the Paradise Lost – By Mr.Addison” [Joseph Addison], 459 pages with six (6) full-page engravings / Pagination of Volume Two: Frontispiece-Portrait of an elder John Milton (dated 1670), 444 pages including six (6) full-page engravings plus 132 unnumbered pages of Index. Hardcover / Modern, stunning half-leather bound to 18th-century style with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Both Volumes now in protective Mylar. Excellent condition with only a few signs of foxing. The paper in fantastic condition, illustrations and portraits impressive; wide margins make this a great collectable. A rare opportunity to acquire this important publication in a firm and beautiful binding. The exceptional restoration was done by an english master-bindery.

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Bartoli, Colonna Traiana

65. One of the most beautiful works of 18th century Illustrated Italian History – Bartoli, Pietro Santi / Giacomo de Rossi / [Trajan – Caesar Nerva Trajanus].

Colonna Traiana [The rare 18th-century Folio-Edition on Trajan’s Column, in which, atypically, all Oblong-Folio-Planches have a centerfold and which includes the often missing, large 1,1 meter – foldout-plan of Trajan’s Column] – Colonna Traiana Eretta Dal Senato, E Popolo Romano All’Imperatore Traiano Augusto Nel Suo Foro In Roma. Scolpita Con L’Historie Della Guerra Dacica La Prima E La Seconda Espeditione, E Vittoria Contro Il Re Decebalo. Nuovamente Disegnata, Et Intagliata Da Pietro Santi Bartoli. Con L’Espositione Latina D’Alfonso Ciaccone, Compendiata Nella Vulgare Lingua Sotto Ciascuna Immagine, Accresciuta Di Medaglie, Inscrittioni, E Trofei, Da Gio. Pietro Bellori. Con diligente cura, e spesa ridotta à perfettione, e data in luce da Gio. Giacomo de Rossi dalle sue stampe, in Roma, alla Pace con Privilegio del S. Pontefice.

Roma, [Giacomo de Rossi] alla Pace con Privilegio del S. Pontefice, [1751]. Folio: (26.5 cm wide x 37 cm high). All planches usually in Oblong-Folio are center-folded in this version, allowing it to be bound in Folio. Pagination: 9 unnumbered plates, [including titlepage, engraved dedication to Louis XIV, and also the large Trajan-Foldout, measuring 110 cm x 36 cm)], followed by 119 plates folded into 238 plates, [while our copy is lacking the 14 pages with Alphonso Ciacono’s “Historia Utriusque Belli Dacici A Trajano Cæsare” and Index and Colophon at the end of the Volume, this flaw is rather unimportant because this Volume is all about the masterful art of over 125 engravings and the powerful Homage by Pietro Santi Bartoli to Trajan, Rome’s “Optimus Princeps”]. Fully restored Folio in dark green Morocco, bound to 18th century – style by an english master-bindery. Unusually excellent condition with the tiniest of wormhole-damage to the Dedication pages. The plates all in exceptional condition. The large Column-Plate spellbinding.

EUR 8.800,-- 

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John Campbell, Lives of the Admirals, And other eminent British Seamen

66. Campbell, John.

Lives of the Admirals, And other eminent British Seamen; containing Their Personal Histories, and a Detail of all their Public Services. Including A new and accurate Naval History, from the earliest Account of Time; and clearly proving by a continued Series of Facts, our uninterrupted Claim to, and Enjoyment of, the Dominion of our Seas. Interspersed With many curious Passages, relating to our Discoveries, Plantations and Commerce. Supported throughout by proper Authorities.

The Third Edition. In Four Volumes (complete set). London, Printed for T.Osborne, C.Hitch and L.Hawes, H.Woodfall, J.Rivington and others, 1761. Octavo (13.5 cm x 20.5 cm). Pagination [see full list of maps and portraits below the description]: Volume I: 587 pages with one folded map and two portraits / Volume II: 580 pages with one folded map and two portraits / Volume III: 488 pages with two fold-out maps / Volume IV: 519 pages with two fold-out maps. Hardcover / Original 18th century – calf with gilt ornament and original spine-labels [of which one spine-label has been recently replaced in matching style]. Bindings all firm and with only minor signs of wear and bunping to top and bottom of spine’s. Interior, Maps and Portraits all in excellent condition. Very inor, faded dampstain to the outer margins of some pages of Volume III. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

EUR 1.480,-- 

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