31. [Bloody Sunday / Pamphlet plus Rare original Letters and Witness Statements of members of “The Association of Irish Priests” Priests who were eyewitnesses to the Bloody Sunday Events].
“Massacre at Derry” [Pamphlet] plus: Typed Letter and Typed Statements by Donal Flanagan (Secretary of the Central Committee of the Association of Irish Priests) and original Typescript-Statements by the Association of Irish Pries: Typescript 1: “Documentation on the Situation in the North of Ireland” [″Statement on ‘Violence’ by the Ulster Branch of the Association of Irish Priests”] (3 pages) / Typescript 2: “Statement issued by seven priests who were in Derry’s Bogside during the Shootings on 30th January 1972” (″We accuse the Colonel of the Parachute Regiment of wilful murder…..It is untrue that shots were fired at the troops in Rossville Street before they attacked….signed (typed) by Reverends Anthony Mulvey, Edward Daly, G.McLaughlin, Denis Bradley, Michael McIvor, Thomas O’Gara) / Typescript 3: “Letter of Reverend Terence M.O’Keefe, Secretary Ulster Branch, Association of Irish Priests (Published in ‘Irish Press’, 5 February 1972 (″May i be permitted the use of your columns to give account of what i personally witnessed in Derry on Sunday afternoon”….″hen the Paratroopers arrived to us, Fr. Bradley and myself were refused permission on three occasions to attend to the wounded and dying, this with the most foul abuse and some blows from rifle butts”…″I was brought to a lorry, batoned in into it and taken to the army base on the Strand road….I find myself with bruised legs, arm and some back pain…I was lucky….Many others from the second lorry-load had faces smashed and heads cracked during their journey to the army centre….I might, perhaps, be counted as a reasonably credible witness as a Roman Catholic Priest, a university lecturer (in philosophy) and at present Dean of the School of Humanities at the New University of Ulster. I suppose that at present my feelings are of sickness, disgust and, I am afraid, anger. All I can hope is that some time in the future forgiveness and love will replace these. Till then is it too much to ask that the truth be told and that Westminster face the question of responsibility for what I personally, can only see as callous and brutal murder?” (Signed (Typed): Terence M.O’Keefe) /
First Edition (possibly only edition). Derry & Maynooth, Civil Rights Movement & Letters and Staments form Priest of St.Patrick’s College (Maynooth) and the Association of Irish Priests (Eagras Sagart Eireann), 1972. Octavo. Pamphlet: 48 pages / Typed Letter and Statements: “Letter by Donal Flanagan”: 1 page / “Documentation on the Situation in the North of Ireland”: 3 pages / “Statement by Seven Priests”: 1 page / “Letter of Reverend Terence O’Keefe”: 2 pages. Stapled, original, illustrated softcover pamphlet and stapled Letters/Statements. Overall in very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Extremely rare Pamphlet but even rarer original documents from the Priest of Maynooth College in Protest of the events of Bloody Sunday and a general analysis of the Situation in the North (Sociological Analysis). Extremely scarce collection.