The Diocese of Ross – Its Bishops, Clergy and Parishes. With Illustrations and Map of the Diocese [Together with an earlier publication [Pamphlet] on the topic by Charles Webster: “The Diocese of Ross and its Ancient Churches”].
Cork / Dublin, Guy & Co. Ltd./Hodges & Figgis, 1932 – 1936. Octavo. Pagination of the book: XXXIV, 127 pages / Pagination of the Pamphlet: 40 pages plus photographic illustrations. Original Hardcover / Original Softcover. The book is inscribed by the author ! With some strong staining to the covers only. Otherwise in very good condition. Very Rare ! / The pamphlet “The Diocese of Ross and its Ancient Churches” was published within the “Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acadaemy” and is in excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only.
EUR 340,--