77. [Newton, Sir Isaac] Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet] / Leibniz / Baker, David Erskine / [Berkeley, George].
The Metaphysics of Sir Isaac Newton : Or, A Comparison between the Opinions of Sir Isaac Newton and Mr. Leibnitz [Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz]. By M. De Voltaire. Translated from the Frenm by David Erskine Baker / [Bound together with a First Edition of George Berkeley’s Miscellaneous Tracts which also include “De Motu ; sive de motus principio & natura, & de causa communicationis motuum” in which Berkeley rejected Sir Isaac Newton’s absolute Space, Time and Motion. (″With this essay, Berkeley is considered to be the “precursor of Mach and Einstein” – Karl Popper)].
First English Edition. London, Printed for R.Dodsley, 1747. Octavo. 72 pages. Modern cloth. The bookblock with signs of stitching to the inner margin (possibly used to be part of a Sammelband). Last three leaves with paper-restoration and manuscript inscription to last page (looks like a 18th century gift-inscription). With numerous manuscript – annotations in the tracts of George Berkeley, namely in “A Word to the Wise”, “Farther Thoughts on Tar-Water”, “The Querist”. From the library of Daniel Conner, Manch House, County Cork.