10. [Grierson, George and John]
[Sabbath – Servants – Burning Land – Impounding – Cattle Trespassing – Replevin] Sammelband / Collection of six Acts: 1. An Act for The better Observation of the Lord’s Day, commonly called Sunday [Sabbath]. Dublin, 1803. 22 pages / 2. An Act relating to Servants and Apprentices, Artificers and Day-Labourers. Dublin, 1831. 55 pages / 3. An Act to Repeal the several Laws for Recovery of small Sums due for Wages, in Ireland; and to make other Provisions for Recovery of such Wages. Dublin, 1830. 96 pages / 4. An Act to amend the 10° Charles I. for Impounding of Distresses in Ireland. Dublin, 1829. 22 pages / 5. An Act for preventing the Vexatious Impounding of Cattle for Trespass or Damage Feasant [Pheasant]. Dublin, 1829. 25 pages. / 6. An Act to provide for the Relief of Persons aggrieved by unlawful or excessive Distresses in Ireland. [An Act to show cause why Replevin should not be made] Dublin, 1830. 28 pages.
Dublin, G. and J. Grierson & His Majesty’s Printers, 1803-1831. Duodecimo. 22, 55, 96, 22, 25, 28 pages. Hardcover / Original, very decorative full 19th century calf with gilt lettering on original, red spinelabel. Binding and interior in unusually excellent condition. Only a very small lesion (fraying) to the outer margins of three pages.