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[Luke, Correspondance of 10 letters between Sir Harry Luke and Commander J.R. Clay of Clay's Marine Steering Gear

69. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry].

Correspondance of 10 letters between Sir Harry Luke and Commander J.R. Clay of Clay’s Marine Steering Gear Limited on behalf of his father J.H.Luke, who was a partner in the company and held a patent on Steering Gear used in the ships of the ‘White Star Line’ from which J.H. Luke hoped to get an income. Sir Harry took over the correspondance from his father who fell ill during the year 1930. The collection of letters is very interesting in regard of the company’s relation ot The Stottpool Steamship Company’ – the fate of the company being discussed in the paper as ‘COMPANY WITHOUT CAPITAL’ – Nothing coming in or going out (Owner were: J.H.Luke / Sir A. Henry Mc Mahon / Comm. J.R.Clay / Lord Southborough / Sir Harry receives information from Commander Clay in a letter from July 17th, 1930 regarding the fact that ‘We have not had any further orders for the Gear, but as previously mentioned to you there is another Motor Vessel similar to the ’″Britannic” building in Belfast for the White Star Line, and we should be able to get the order for her’. The correspondance goes into detail: ‘You will note from the pamphlet which i prepared that the new helm order will become law on the 30th of June 1931. When in Belfast on the trials of the “Brittanic” I met one of the Committee of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea…..He represents the Gyro Compass Company in London and i hopeto bring him to see you as I consider he will be able to help us considerably by recommending the adoption of the Steering Gear Device.’ / The correspondance mainly between Liverpool and Sir Harry Luke’s summer – address in Alt-Aussee, Steiermark, Austria. / The correspondance also includes a manuscript letter in which Sir Harry writes about his fathers illness and wonders if it is really worthwhile to renew the patent in light of the fact ‘that for so many years hardly any line except th White Star Line has adopted the Gear’. [The collection also includes a further 8 letters and also the papers of the estate of Sir Harry’s father. Sir Harry corresponds with his families solicitor, Oliver Dayrell Paget Paget-Cooke and besides the technicalities of the estate also encourages him to visit Malta / one page also on stationery of “The Palace – Malta”].

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Octavo. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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Anderton, The Protestants Apology for the Roman Church

88. Anderton, James.

The Protestants Apology for the Roman Church. [incomplete 17th century version of the 1608 edition / With manuscript annotations and dating by the owners of the book on page 512: Father John Coyne / Richard Power in 1683]. [Deuided into three seuerall tractes. VVherof the first concerneth the antiquity & continuance of the Roman Church & religion, euer since the Apostles times. The second 1. that the Protestants religion was not so much as in being, at, or before Luthers first appearing. 2. that the marks of the true church are apperteyning to the Roman, and wholy wanting to the seuerall churches, begun by Luther & Caluin. The third that Catholicks are no lesse loyall, and dutifull to their soueraigne, than Protestants. All which is vndertaken, & proued by testimonies of the learned Protestants themselues. VVith a conclusion to the reuerend iudges, and other the graue and learned sages of the law. By Iohn Brereley priest.]

[St. Omer], Permissu Superiorum, no year [c.1683]. Small Quarto. Pages 1 – 104 missing, pages 105 – 751 complete. Contemporary pigskin binding with original title in manuscript hand to spine. Poor condition with many damaged pages, frayed and traces of dried mold. Prt II and III of the book are complete: The Second Chapter: That the true Church must have her Pastours administration of the word and Sacraments evermore to continue / The Third Tract – Conteining the confessed Antiquity of Catholicke Priesthood, Confession, Absolution, Masse &c. and of the penall lawes made against them.

EUR 270,-- 

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Blackwall, The Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated

96. Blackwall, Anthony.

The Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated: Or, an Essay Humbly offer’d towards proving the Purity, Propriety, and True Eloquence of the Writers of the New Testament. In Two Parts. In the First of which Those Divine Writers are vindicated against the Charge of barbarous Language, false Greek, and Solecisms. In the Second is shewn, That all the Excellencies of Style, and sublime Beauties of Language and genuine Eloquence do abound in the Sacred Writers of the New Testament. With an Account of their Style and Character, and a Representation of their Superiority, in several Instances, to the best Classics of Greece and Rome. To which are subjoin’d proper Indexes. [The Second and Last Volume – In Three Parts. Containing: I. A farther Demonstration of the Propriety, Purity and sound Eloquence of the Language of the New Testament Writers. / II. An Account of the wrong Division of Chapters and Verses, and faulty Translations of the Divine Book, which weaken its Reasonings, and spoil its Eloquence and Native Beauties. / III. A Discourse on the Various Readings of the New Testament. With a Preface, wherein is shewn the Necessity and Usefulness of a New Version of the Sacred Books. By the late Reverend and Learned A.Blackwall, A.M. – AUthor of the First Volume. To which is annex’d a very copious Index.].

The Second Edition. Two Volumes (complete set). London, Printed for C.Rivington, 1727. Octavo. 432, [16], Portrait-Frontispiece of A. Blackwall by G.Vertue, XXXI, 359, [24] pages. Original Hardcover / 18th-century full leather with new spine-labels in the style of th eperiod. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

EUR 340,-- 

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