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Sir Harry Luke – Personal Archive of Books and Correspondence (203 items)

Luke, A Bibliography of Sierra Leone: Preceded By An Essay On The Origin, Character and Peoples of the Colony and Protectorate.

158. [Sierra Leone Content] – Luke, Harry Charles / [Professor Edward Blyden III].

Collection of two publications and several letters: A Bibliography of Sierra Leone: Preceded By An Essay On The Origin, Character and Peoples of the Colony and Protectorate. [This publication comes with Luke’s personal copy of Sierra Leone Studies No.IX. – August 1927, in which Luke did not only write the Editorial Introduction but we also see included in this issue as an introduction to the section on “Street and Place Names in and around Freetown” (by Dr.R.H.Kennan), a reprinted letter of R.H.Kennan to Luke (page 9 of this issue). Luke notes on the cover of this issue the main reason why this pamphlet is in his private library: “including an account of our Mount Bintumane ascent” [Luke was part of the Mount Bintumane Expedition: “On the 18th August, 1926, Bintumane, the highest peak of the Lomas, the loftiest mountains in Sierra Leone, was climbed for the first time by an officer administering the Government of the Colony….on a fine misty morning we left our rest camp, situated beside a beautiful white-water face, itself more than 2,500 feet above sea level and, headed by the Acting Governor (Mr.Luke), commenced the Ascent [Sir Ransford Slater, Governor of Sierra Leone, made the ascent only the following year (1927)]. This wonderful collection of two publications also includes several loosely inserted Typescripts and Manuscript-letters between Sir Harry Luke and Professor Edward Blyden III as well as letters from Dr.P.E.H.Hair from Fourah Bay College, Freetwown, Sierra Leone / Also included a manuscript note from Luke, titled “Description of Photographs from Sierra Leone” in which Luke outlines in detail nine (9) illustrations [possibly for a later edition of the work] and mentions: “A Paramount Chief in Gala costume with wives, children and staff-bearer. The wives holding rattles used in the Dances of the Bundu (Women’s secret Society), Mende Tribe, Railway District, Sierra Leone / A Porro Devil on stilts (a Dancer of the Porro or Men’s secret society) etc. etc.]. With Illustrations And Map.

Second, Enlarged Edition. [This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Oxford University Press, 1925. 19 cm x 13 cm. 230 pages, 4 illustrations. Original Hardcover. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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