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Sir Harry Luke – Personal Archive of Books and Correspondence (203 items)

[Luke, Correspondence between Peter Luke and Sir Harry Luke while lhe was living on Cyprus

37. [Private Materials Sir Harry Luke] – [Luke, Harry Sir / Lukach, Harry]. Luke, Peter / Luke, Michael.

Important typescript mentioning Cyprus, with manuscript annotations by Sir Harry Luke – the typescript is a copy of a letter which Sir Harry Luke wrote to his son Michael Luke on December 1st, 1963 from his residence in 96 Hellas Street, Kyrenia and Luke informs his son of Harrap (Publisher) urging him on to publish a revised edition of his Cyprus book. Luke writes: “The day before i left Harraps asked me if I would be willing to do a revised edition of my Cyprus book. I did not even know that the stock was down to its last few copies. I naturally said yes, and that is what i am working on now. It is involving, in fact, quite a bit of thought and work because I will have to trace the painful transition from British Crown Colony, which Cyprus was then, to Independent republic.” – Luke also reflects on the recent assassination of JFK: “The Dallas outrage is indeed a world tragedy. Not only is it the case that the world’s most valuable life of the moment has been taken; we have all lost something young, buoyant and infinitely engaging”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, 1964. Octavo. Thirteen (13) letters and one Telegram and one photograph in total: 6 Letters from Peter Luke to his father, Sir Harry Luke / 2 manuscript draft – letters from Harry Luke / 2 annotated typescripts by Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from Michael Luke to his father, Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from Lloyds Bank to Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from June Luke (Peter Luke’s wife) in which June refers to the tragedy Cyprus is experiencing during the intercommunal violence between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots on “Bloody Christmas”. June Luke is feeling with Sir Harry Luke “…i hear you have been through so many rebellions and revolutions that this will seem nothing ! – But all the same it must be very depressing for you to witness such turmoil in a country that you love so well”. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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[Luke, Papers, correspondence and ephemera from old stocks as well as J.H.Lukach's will

38. [Private Materials Sir Harry Luke] – [Black Friday 1929 / Lukach, J.H.] Consolidated Gold Fields of New Zealand / Westinghouse Bremen Gesellschaft (Germany) .

Stock Certificate / Papers, correspondence and ephemera from the estate of J.H.Lukach: Interesting letters from Westinghouse Brake & Saxby Signal Company (Sir Harry Luke has discovered that his father had shares in the Westinghouse Bremen Gesellschaft (Germany) and the several letters refer to the transfer of shares just shortly after Black Friday / Typescript of a letter by J.H.Lukach to Westinghouse, thanking him for ‘your kindness in giving me an option on 500 Shares of the Societe Anonyme Westinghouse’ / Old stocks as well as J.H.Lukach’s will including a letter from solicitor Laurence Alfred Baker (20, Copthall Avenue and Stock Exchange, London) to Harry Luke in which he urges Sir Harry Luke to destroy the certificate of the New Zealand Gold Company to prevent a query into its value cropping up again – Laurence Alfred Baker also indirectly refers to the recent crash at the stockmarket by mentioning: ‘It is most interesting, and no doubt significant, that in bad times such as these, when one might almost say that everything is falling, there is a definite and persistant demand for Consolidated Signal and Westinghouse Shares. / Also included is extensive documentation of J.H.Lukach’s estate etc. / Old IOU’s / One postcard to Harry Luke Esq. in Alt-Aussee (Austria) – from his father / One letter to Sir Harry in Kensington from a source undeciphered (1965) / Original, hungarian documentation (certificate) of the name J.H.Luke / Lease documentation of Ashley Gardens in the City of Westminster /

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London etc., c.1910 – 1930. Octavo.

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