Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) addressed to Harry Luke by Norman Bentwich, British-appointed Attorney-General of Mandatory Palestine, who is writing to Luke on the occassion of the passing of Sir Harry Luke’s father: “My dear Harry, I am very sorry to read the announcement of your father’s death. I know how devoted you have been to him & what a grief it will be to you. But it is, I hope, some comfort, that you had been able to have some days with him this year + last. I had your letter…..the Jerusalem ….launched this year after all & under your auspices. [?] is now convinced that he must do something at once about ……I believe that he will try to see you + Pirie-Gordon about it in London. Perhaps the ….has already been launched + if so you all have conjured up ….[?]Norman Bentwich”.
[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Jerusalem, 11th of July, 1930. A4. One page on Stationery of “Government of Palestine – Attorney General’s Office, Jerusalem”. With original envelope, cnacelled stamp from Palestine, addressed to Harry Luke at St.James’s Club. From the personal collection of Sir Harry Luke.
EUR 78.000,--