230. Lescure, Jean / [André Frénaud].
Original Typescript with manuscript annotations and corrections of “Poèmes métaphysiques”. Jean Lescure’s personal copy with corrections and additions to his earliest collection of poems. Loosely inserted into the collection are the three pages of the typescript for “Apologie de L’Aveugle – à André Frénaud” reflecting his close friendship and collaboration with André Frénaud [according to our research, Rachel E. Perry identifies in her essay “Histoire De L’Aveugle: Matiérisme’s Critique of Vision” that Jean Lescure composed this poem together with Paul Eluard and it was published in “A la gloire de la main” in 1949]. The poems in the Typescript / Manuscript of Lescure are all dated between 1937 and 1940. The original composition of the poem-cyle “Trois chansons de mer pour l’equinoe” is completely replaced by an autographe, manuscript-entry of Lescur. The poems in this original Typescript/Manuscript of “Poèmes métaphysiques” are titled: “Porte ouverte ou fermee” (″mars-avril 1939”)/ “Dialectique d’un printemps” (″hiver 1937 – ler 5 decembre 1939”)/ “Present de la journee” (″5-6 decembre 1939”) / “Noel pour une fille que fleurisse le jour” (″7-18 decembre 1939”) / “Chant montagnard pour saluer la fin de l’hiver” (″Fev. 1940-Mars 1941”)/ “La Nourriture de l’Amour”(″Fevrier 1941 – Mars 1942”)/ “Double aspect de l’iris” (″20 dec. 1939 – Jan.1940”) / “Double Fer” (″Jan – 25 avril 1940”) / “Debut sur le jour” / “Aspect de la Solitude” / “Chansons de mer pour l’equinoxe” [1.Chanson du patron – 2. Chanson du gabier (Manoeuvre a la vie pare et vire) – [Chansons du precheur] – 3. Chanson du timonier] (″Sept – Oct 41”) //
[France], c. 1945 – 1949. Quarto (21,5 cm x 27 cm). 33 pages plus 3 pages “″Apologie de L’Aveugle”. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only.