135. [Wolff, Kurt] [Merton, Robert K. / Kellner, Hansfried / Berger, Peter L.].
Sociology Reinterpeted – An Essay on Method and Vocation [Hansfried Kellner’s personal copy of his and Peter Berger’s own publication but including a Xerox of a personal letter of praise for the book, with xeroxed signature by Robert K. Merton, “founding father of modern sociology”, directed at Loretta A. Barrett from Doubleday].
Garden City, New York, Anchor Press / Doubleday, 1981. Octavo. 183 pages. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket. Very good condition. From the library of Hansfried Kellner, injected into the library of exiled sociologist, Kurt H. Wolff, by Inanna Rare Books, together with Hansfried Kellner’s personal copy (with annotations) of Kurt Heinrich Wolff’s book “Sociology of Georg Simmel”).