12. Jitsuzu, Tamura (and others).
Acta Asiatica – Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture, No. 24: The Legend of the Origin of the Mongols and Problems concerning their Migration. (Altaistic Studies Issue of Acta Asiatica). Mori Masao – Reconsideration of the Hsiung-nu State-A Response to Professor O. Pritsak’s Criticism, Hattori Shiro – The Chinese Dialect on which the Trnscription of the Yüan-ch’ao Mi-shi was based, Ikegami Jiro – On One Verb Ending in Proto-Tungus – About -si, Yamada Nobuo – A brief history of mongolian studies in Japan 1905-1945, Books and Articles on Altaistic subjects published in Japan during 1954-1971.
Tokyo, The Toho Gakkai, 1973. 4°. V, 127 pages. Softcover. Very good condition. [Acta Asiatica – Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture, No. 24].