Acta Asiatica – Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture, No. 27: Taoism and Chinese Thought / Murakami Yoshimi – Affirmation of Desire in Taoism, Miyakawa Hisayuki – Legate Kao P’ien and a Taoist Magician Lü Yung-chih in the Time of Huang Ch’ao’s Rebellion, Kubo Noritada – Taoist Belief in Okinawa – with special emphasis on the Kitchen God Belief, etc.
Tokyo, The Toho Gakkai, 1974. 4°. V, 119 pages. Softcover. Small damage to the lower spine – Otherwise in very good condition. [Acta Asiatica – Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture, No. 27.]
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