An Tiomna Nuadh [The New Testament]. (Ar Dtíghearna agus Ar Slanuightheóra Josu Criosd: Air na tharruing go fírinneach as a nGreigis Ughdarach. Ris an tathair is onóruighthe a Ndía Uilliam O’Domhnuill, Aird Easpug Thúaim) [Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated truthfully from the authentic Greek by the most Honourable Uilliam O’Domhnuill [William O’Donnell], Archbishop of Tuam].
London, The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1835. Octavo. 562 pages. Hardcover. Professionally rebacked with leather and marble paper. Very good condition with only minor signs of foxing. Notes in pencil by previous owner on the last page of the book.
EUR 250,--