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Inscribed (159 items)

David Puttnam - Collection of original Film / Movie - Memorabilia, inscribed/signed books and the extensive Record Collection

113. Puttnam, David.

Collection of Film / Movie & Music – Memorabilia with rare, inscribed/signed books, photographs and promotional ephemera as well as related materials from the private library of Lord David Puttnam and few other sources. The collection includes a large amount of international publications and important monographs on the History of Film and Movies and also several signed and/or inscribed/dedicated Vinyl-Records by early friends of David Puttnam (Ringo Starr, Barbra Streisand etc.) together with some publications on Literature, History, Photography. Also included are several amazing association-copies from David Puttnam’s time as producer at Columbia Studios; like a signed and spectecularly inscribed book by important Director Spike Lee, Director and friend Alan Parker etc. etc. We list here a few items but the complete list of items, described in detail and photographed, will be visible over time on our website under “Libraries & Collections”. Among the titles are for example: 1. A xeroxed copy of the second draft of “Chariots of Fire”, which David Puttnam signed in 2019 and to which he added a wonderful manuscript note and story of the Script: “This is a very interesting early Draft of ‘Chariots of Fire’ – A year later we started shooting the film in Cambridge – Almost exactly two years later the film won the BAFTA Best Picture Award and a few weeks later The ‘Oscar’ ! – Colin Welland also won for Best Screenplay that same evening. Reading this you can see why. Regards – David Puttnam”/ 2. Collection of signed vintage Vinyl owned by Lord David Puttnam, signed and inscribed Records by famous artists and musicians like Barbra Streisand, Ringo Starr, Jean-Michel Jarre as well as soundtracks of his own films (included are Local Hero [not signed by Mark Knopfler but signed by David Puttnam], Midnight Express) etc. / 3. Amazing, absolutely wonderful association copy of Alan Parker’s “Cartoon Version” of his movie “Evita” with which he thanked his cast and crew. This being a personally inscribed copy from Alan Parker to his friends David & Patsy Puttnam. Accompanied by a two-page letter, signed by Parker and citing a quote of David Puttnam reflecting on his own experiences in the movie-business with a bit of ironic advice for his friend Alan Parker on how to exit the movie-business. / 4. Collection of books by writers befriended to David Puttnam, often signed and/or inscribed (Nick Hornby – Fever Pitch / Edna O’Brien – Time and Tide etc.) / 5. Collection of monographs and biographies on and by Actors, Directors, Film and Movie-MakingTechnique, Sociology of Film etc. etc. / 6. Large collection of photographical stills as well as portraits of Directors on set during the act of directing, etc. etc.

London / UK / USA, c.1968-1996. Octavo. Original Hardcover with the rare illustrated dustjacket in protective collector’s Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

EUR 25.000,-- 

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[Schneemann, Eshleman, Bearings.

125. [Schneemann, Carolee] Eshleman, Clayton.

Bearings. [Two fantastic association copies of this limited edition / Both copies from the library of Carolee Schneemann / Both, beautifully inscribed by Clayton Eshleman to Carolee Schneemann and one copy with an annotation and several interesting textmarkings by Carolee Schneemann].

First Edition. Santa Barbara, Capricorn Press, 1971. 22.5cm x 15.3cm. 22 (6) pages. Original illustrated softcover. Excellent condition of noth editions, with only minor signs of external wear. This is one of Eshleman’s most personal works, which explains why he inscribed it in two consecutive years to Carolee Schneemann. Clayton Esleman writes about the impact Rilke’s “Letters to a Young Poet” had on him in 1959. Carolee Schneemann has marked several passages which were important to her, among which is: “for in the sense that what is deeply sick in man today is his hate for his body, in that he has loaded the most energetic word he has for love-making with all the hostility he feels against the act of love. Don’t fuck with me, we say. Keep your fucking hands off. Fuck you. And that word, like a jungle interwoven with all kinds of lianas and vines of tensions, desires, and hate, can’t now possibly convey just its erotic energy – “. / Eshleman also leaves a short biographical note (in print) at the end of this Volume in which he critically describes his consequential status quo: “…..Moved to New York City the summer of 1966…..the bottom fell out: I left my family, moved into a hole in the corner of Greenwich Avenue and Bank Street and entered Reichian Therapy…..Presently living in Sherman Oaks, California, with my wife Caryl – and, as of last week, loaned orgone accumulator sitting expectantly in Garage….– 28 January 1971”.

EUR 1.750,-- 

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Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell

133. [Stanley Cavell Collection] – Cavell, Stanley [Stanley Louis Goldstein].

Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell. The books in this collection originate from the personal library of Stanley Cavell, his friends Victor and Jacqueline, as well as from the library of philosopher Graham Parkes [Please see each title described and photographed in our section “Libraries & Collections” and search for “Stanley Cavell Collection”]. The collection includes: 1. Must We Mean What We Say ? – Modern philosophical essays in morality, religion, drama, music and criticism. First Edition, 1969. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 2. Stanley Bates and Ted Cohen – More on what we say. First Edition. Chicago, Middlebury College, 1972 / 3. Cavell, Stanley – Themes out of School. Effects and Causes. San Francisco, North Point Press, 1984. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 4. Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed – Reflections on the Ontology of Film. New York, The Viking Press, 1971. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell in the year 1971, to his friends Victor and Jacqueline / 5. [Cavell, Stanley] Oksenberg Rorty, Amélie. The Many Faces of Philosophy. Reflections from Plato to Arendt. First Edition. Oxford and others, Oxford University Press, 2003. Signed and inscribed by the Editor to Cavell. / 6. [Cavell, Stanley] – Massimo Cacciari – Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture – Stanley Cavell’s personal copy with notes and annotations. / 7. [Cavell, Stanley] Desan, Wilfrid – The Tragic Finale – An Essay on the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre – with interesting annotations and textmarkings by Stanley Cavell / 8. Cavell, Stanley. Pursuits of Happiness – the Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1981. From the librray of philosopher Graham Parkes / 9.Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed- Reflections on the Ontology of Film. Enlarged Edition. Massachusetts, Harvard Universaity Press, 1979. From the library of philosopher Graham Parkes.

New York / Cambridge / and others, Charles Scribner’s Sons / Harper / Yale University Press / Oxford University Press / Viking Press etc., 1969-2003. Large Octavo (17 cm x 23,5 cm). XXIX, 365 pages. Hardcover / Original cloth / Softcover. All books in very good or better condition; many signed or inscribed. A rare opportunity to look into the mind of an important philosophical thinker through his annotations and notes, especially in the book on Sartre.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Taylor, Collection of six (6) items/original, vintage and personal materials

135. Taylor, Tom / [Abraham Lincoln].

Exquisite collection of six (6) items/original, vintage and personal materials by/of Tom Taylor. The collection includes a 2 1/2 page, signed manuscript letter [MLS] by Tom Taylor to an unknown recipient , discussing a memorial he sent to Robert Browning’s patron, John Kenyon and mentioning former Prime Minister Lord Aberdeen [George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen]. The collection also includes two vintage 19th century cabinet photographs [Carte de Visite’s] of Tom Taylor, a later edition of Ballads and Songs of Brittany and two beautifully inscribed and signed presentation copies of his major works: 1. The first edition of Ballads of Brittany – London/Cambridge, MacMillan and Co.,1865 with many illustrations by Tissot, Tenniel etc. (This first edition is signed and inscribed by Tom Taylor to Emilia Ventana at Xmas 1864, before the publication of the book commenced) and 2. Tom Taylor’s Historical Dramas. London, Chatto & Windus, 1877. Signed and inscribed by Tom Taylor to Marie de Beauvoisier in March 1879.

London / Cambridge etc., Chatto & Windus / Routledge & Sons / etc., c. 1850-1879. Octavo. Ballads and Songs of Brittany (1865 edition): Frontispice, XXII, 239 pages / Ballads and Songs of Brittany (Later Routledge edition): XVI, 176 pages / Tom Taylor’s Historical Dramas: VIII, 466, 32 pages. / Manuscript Letter: 2 1/2 pages. Original Hardcover / The manuscript letter in a Folder, it includes an A4 manuscript leaf from a 19th century autograph-collector describing the letter by Taylor. / The two vintage cabinet photographs of Taylor included in the Folder with the autograph. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Vaihinger, Sammlung bedeutender Ausgaben des Philosophen Hans Vaihinger

139. Vaihinger, Hans / Bode, Wilhelm / Vlach, Milo.

Sammlung bedeutender Ausgaben des Philosophen Hans Vaihinger mit signierten Widmungsexemplaren an den Wiener Philosophen und Vaihinger-Spezialisten Milo Vlach, Kunsthistoriker Wilhelm Bode, signierte Sonderdrucke, ein signierter Brief / (mit zwei Dubletten). Die Sammlung enthält die erste und dritte Auflage seines Hauptwerks sowie einen Neudruck der 9./10. Auflage von 1927: 1. Die Philosophie des Als Ob. System der theoretischen, praktischen und religiösen Fiktionen der Menschheit auf Grund eines idealistischen Positivismus. Mit einem Anhang über Kant und Nietzsche. Erste Ausgabe. XXXV,804 Seiten. Berlin, 1911. Blaues Halbleinen. / 2. Die Philosophie des Als Ob. Dritte, durchgesehene Auflage. XXXIX, 804 Seiten. Leipzig, Felix Meiner, 1918. Dekoratives Halbpergament / 3. Die Philosophie des Als Ob. Neudruck der 9./10. Auflage, 1927 (1986 Scientia). Gelbes Leinen. / 4. Der Atheismusstreit gegn die Philosophie des Als Ob und das Kantische System. Berlin, 1916. Widmung: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” / 5. Der Atheismusstreit gegn die Philosophie des Als Ob und das Kantische System. Berlin, 1916. Signiert: “Primum vivere deinde philosophari – Halle, d. 1.Juli 1921 – Vaihinger” / 6. Pessimismus und Optimismus vom Kantschen Standpunkt aus. Berlin, 1924. Widmung: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” / 7. Wie Kant beinahe geheiratet hätte – Kulturhistorische Novelle von August Stricker. Mit einem Vorwort neu herausgegeben von Hans Vaihinger. Leipzig, 1924. Widmung: “Herrn Dr.Milo Vlach in Wien mit den herzlichsten Grüssen – Halle a/S. im Jan.25 – Vaihinger” / 8. Nietzsche als Philosoph. Feldausgabe. Berlin, 1916 – Widmung: “Herrn Doktorand Miloslav Vlach in Wien mit freundlichem Gruss von H. Vaihinger” / 9. Ist die Philosophie des Als Ob Skeptizismus ? – Widmung: “Freundlichen Gruss, heute, am 100.Geburtstag von Friedrich Albert Lange, dem Vorkämpfer religiöser Selbstbehauptung – Halle, 28.IX.28 – Vaihinger” / 10. Ist die Philosophie des Als Ob Skeptizismus ? – Widmung: “Überreicht vom Verfasser” / 11. Wie die Philosophie des Als Ob entstand. Leipzig, Felix Meiner, 1921. Widmung: “Herrn Dr.Wilhelm Bode in Weimar, dem echten Vertreter der Lebenskunst Goethes, des Vorkämpfers für die ästhetische Illusionstheorie und für den religiösen Symbolismus. Zum 30. März 1922 – Vaihinger” / 12. Nietzsche als Philosoph. Langensalza, 1930. Widmung: “Herrn und Frau Obersekretär Barkhaus mit herzlichen Weihnachtswünschen, überreicht von H. Vaihinger – Halle a/S. im Dezember 1930.” / 13. Zweiseitiger Brief (Schreibmaschine) auf Vaihingers persönlichem Briefpapier, datiert Hale, 16.Dezember 1925. An einen “Herrn Stifts-Repetent Kraus” [Repetent an Vaihingers alter Schule – dem Evangelischen Stift in Tübingen.] Kraus hatte wohl eine philosophische Arbeitsgruppe von sieben Schülern und Vaihinger’s “Philosophie des Als Ob” muss Gegenstand der Arbeitsgruppe gewesen sein und Kraus hat aus diesem Grund mit Vaihinger kontakt aufgenommen. In der ausführlichen Art Vaihingers erwähnt dieser in seiner Antwort an Kraus den Einfluss von Otto Ritschl auf die Entstehung der “Philosophie des Als Ob”, er erwähnt auch Wobbermin in Göttingen und schreibt weiterhin: “als ehemaliger Stiftler betrachte ich es als eine Ehre, wenn im Stifte auch die “Philosophie des Als Ob” dadurch Anerkennung findet, dass man sich dort mit den von mir aufgeworfenen Theorien beschäftigt”.

Leipzig / Berlin / Halle etc., 1911 – 1930. Octavo. c. 2000 Seiten. Hardcover / Softcover. Die Sammlung generell in sehr gutem Zustand mit diesen Ausnahmen: Kleiner Wasserschaden an “Ist die Philosophie des Als Ob Skeptizismus ?” und “Pessimismus und Optimismus”. Eine Ausgabe des “Atheismusstreits” Papier etwas brüchig. / Anstreichungen und Anmerkungen in der Erstausgabe der “Philosophie des Als Ob”. Vorsatzblatt der Halbpergamentausgabe fehlt. Eine seltene Sammlung !!

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Kurt Heinrich Wolff, Collection of Personal Books, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Manuscript Material

151. Wolff, Kurt H. [Heinrich] / [Mannheim, Karl / Simmel, Georg / Rieff, Philip].

Collection of Personal Books, Gifts from Colleagues at Brandeis University, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Signed Books and Association Copies from the personal library and collection of american Sociologist Kurt H. Wolff [Brandeis University]. The collection includes classics of sociological literature by Karl Mannheim, Talcott Parsons, Philip Rieff, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Philip E. Slater, Gene Sharp, William Barrett, John Dewey, Aron Gurwitch etc., as well as the occasional letter/correspondence, loosely inserted in books and pamphlets. Includes for example Kurt Heinrich Wolff’s personal copies of: 1. Durkheim, Emile – Two Laws of Penal Evolution [I. The Law of Quantitative Variations / II. The Law of Qualitative Variations] / 2. Kurt H. Wolff – The Sociology of Georg Simmel / 3. Karl Mannheim – German Sociology (1918 – 1933 – Signed – inscribed) / 4. Pitirim A. Sorokin – Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology and Related Sciences / 5. Murray Krieger – The Tragic Vision (Signed and Inscribed) / 6. Norman O. Brown – Closing Time / 7. Gene Sharp – Social Power and Political Freedom (Signed and Inscribed) / 8. William Barrett – Irrational Man – A Study in Existential Philosophy / 9. Gene Sharp – Making Europe Unconquerable – The potential of civilian-based Deterrence and Defense / 10. John Dewey – German Philosophy and Politics / 11. Philip E. Slater – Microcosm – Structural, Psychological and Religious Evolution in Groups (Signed – Inscribed) / 12. John Wild (Editor) – Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy / 13. Peter L. Berger and Hansfried Kellner – Sociology Reinterpreted – An Essay on Method and Vocation /

Brandeis / Glencoe (Illinois) / New York, and others, Free Press / Doubleday and others, 1953 – c. 1987. Octavo. More than 1500 pages. Original Offprint / Softcover – publications but mostly Hardcovers with original dustjackets in Mylar. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the personal library of american sociologist Kurt Heinrich Wolff.

EUR 7.500,-- 

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Pages from a Diary Written in Nineteen Hundred and Thirty. [Signed / Inscribed by George Yeats

157. Yeats, William Butler / [George [Georgie] Yeats / Mrs. Eva Hempel / Eduard Hempel].

Pages from a Diary Written in Nineteen Hundred and Thirty. [Signed / Inscribed by George Yeats to Mrs. [Eva] Hempel, wife of german ambassador to Ireland during World War II].

No.8 / 200 copies, of the original limited edition. Dublin, The Cuala Press, 1944 [September 1944]. Octavo. 58 pages. Original Hardcover. Inscribed by George Yeats on the front free endpaper: “Mrs. Hempel from George Yeats, April 1944”. This has to be of course “April 1945”. The impossibility of signing/inscribing a book in April 1944 if it was only published in September 1944 is easily explained with the classic everyday-mistake of still writing the previous year in the first few months of the following year. A stunning association. The signature and inscription is a solid match to George Yeats’ autographs in her later hand and William Butler Yeats and George Yeats were frequent visitors to the Hempel’s in Dublin. In addition, the low number of the edition (8/200) suggests this being one of the reference copies given to George Yeats, who contributed heavily to the volume and even added an explanatory note (in print) verso the titlepage. This copy is near fine, bound in the publisher’s quarter buckram over yellow, paper-covered boards. The books pages remained unopened. Eva Hempel’s husband Eduard Hempel is one of the most controversial figures in modern Irish history, excoriated by some as ‘Hitler’s man’, defended by others such as the country’s first President, Eamon De Valera. Certainly, Hempel presented William Butler Yeats in 1938 with a copy of ‘Germany Speaks’ whose inscription described an ‘unforgettable afternoon’ spent together by Yeats and Hempel. Eduard Hempel and his wife were accepted socialites in the Dublin world of World War II, famously receiving a condolence call by de Valera upon the death of Hitler. Eduard Hempel and his wife Eva were granted asylum in Ireland after world war II and stayed way beyond the end of World War II.

EUR 650,-- 

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