The Harvard University Catalogue 1880 – 1881 & The Harvard University Catalogue 1899-1900.
Two Volumes. Cambridge, University Press, 1880-1900. 8°. Pagination: 1880 – Catalogue: 230 pages / Pagination: 1899-1900-Catalogue: Folded “Map of Cambridge as the Vicinity of Harvard College 1899-1900” as Frontispiece, VII, 716 pages. Hardcover / Original half leather bindings. Slightly rubbed only. Titlepage cleanly detached. Wonderful publication. Exlibris / Bookplate of the Harvard University “ALPHA – DELTA – PHI – CLUB” with manuscript name of “J.G.Bradley 1902”. Two of these bookplates present on the pastedowns of the Volumes. RARE !
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