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Presentation-Copy (4 items)

[Behring, Collection of nine important Emil von Behring - offprints from the Exile-library of Prof. Dr. Hans Sachs

1. [Behring, Emil von / Sachs, Hans].

Collection of nine important Emil von Behring – offprints from the Exile-library of Prof. Dr. Hans Sachs, german serologist who had to flee Nazi-germany and died in his Dublin exile in 1945. The collection also includes the original offprint of an obituary for Emil von Behring, published by Hans Sachs in the “Frankfurter Zeitung” in 1917. The rare Offprint by Paul H. Römer (with epilogue by Emil von Behring), is inscribed to Dr.Hans Sachs. The offprints included in this collection are (in order of their publication): 1. Emil von Behring und F(ranz) Nissen – Ueber bacterienfeindliche Eigenschaften verschiedener Blutserumarten – Ein Beitrag zur Immunitätsfrage (1890) / 2. Emil von Behring und (Erich) Wernicke – Ueber Immunisierung und Heilung von Versuchsthieren bei der Diphterie (1892) / 3. Emil von Behring – Über Heilprinzipien, insbesondere über das ätiologische und das isopathische Heilprinzip (1898) / 4. Emil von Behring – Tuberkulosebekämpfung – Vortrag gehalten auf der Versammlung von Naturforschern und Ärzten am 25. September 1903 in Kassel – [Mit Besitzer-Stempel von Dr.Hans Sachs auf Titelbroschur und Titelblatt / With ownership-stamp of Dr. Hans Sachs on cover and titlepage] / 5. Paul H. Römer (Nebst einem Nachwort von Emil von Behring) – Ueber die Einwirkung des galvanischen Stroms auf Tetanus-Gift, Tetanus-Antitoxin und Toxin-Antitoxin-Gemische – [Mit handschriftlicher Widmung von Paul Römer “Herrn Dr.Sachs sehr ergebenst – v. V.” [vom Verfasser] / Inscribed by Paul Römer to Dr.Hans Sachs] – [Paul Heinrich Römer, from Kirchhain (near Marburg, Germany), was an important colleague of Behring and Sachs. Subsequently, Römer’s experimental studies on Polio led to Jonas Edward Salk’s and Albert Bruce Sabin’s development of a Polio-vaccine. According to Rudolf Siegert [specialist for the History of the ‘Marburg-Virus’], Paul Heinrich Römer, who died at the early age of 40 in World War One, should have been credited with discovery of the Polio remedy / 6. Emil von Behring – Indikationen für die serumtherapeutische Tetanusbekämpfung (1914) / 7. Emil von Behring und Richard Hagemann – Ueber das Diphterieschutzmittel “TA” (Mit 1 Tafel) und Emil von Behring – Aufgaben und Leistungen meines neuen Diphterieschutzmittels und Richard Hagemann – Ueber von Behring’s neues Diphterieschutzmittel (1914) / 8. Emil von Behring – Experimentelle Analyse und Theorie der anaphylaktischen und apotoxischen Vergiftung (1914) / 9. Emil von Behring (Marburg) – Indikationen und Kontra-Indikationen fuer das neue Diphterieschutzmittel “TA” (1914) / 10. Hans Sachs (Frankfurt) – Nachruf / Obituary – Emil von Behring (Sonderabdruck aus der Frankfurter Zeitung – Erstes Morgenblatt vom 4.April 1917)//

Wiesbaden / Leipzig / Berlin / Marburg , Thieme / Elwert / u.a., 1890 – 1914. Octavo. Original Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear / The earliest offprint by Behring and Nissen, with a faded dampstain to lower margins / Otherwise with some minor fraying to some of the offprints only. Rare, important collection and very interesting association between Emil von Behring, the first Nobel Laureate of Medicine and Dr.Hans Sachs, jewish serologist and pioneer in efficient diagnosis of syphilis and one of the sad examples of the purge of scientists by Hitler’s regime in 1930s germany. / The collection also comes with several important works of Reference including: 1. A copy of Derek S. Linton’s stunning work: “Emil von Behring – Infectious Disease, Immunology, Serum Therapy” – [Philadelphia, 2005] / 2. also part of the collection is Arthur M. Silverstein’s work on “A History of Immunology” – [San Diego, 1992] see images of this collection !

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Vere Foster, The Two Duchesses - Presentation copy with important manuscript letter [signed and inscribed]

3. Foster, Vere [Henry Louis / Lewis] / [Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire].

The Two Duchesses – Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire – Family Correspondence of and Relating to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire, Earl of Bristol (Bishop of Derby), The Countess of Bristol, Lord and Lady Byron, The Earl of Aberdeen, Sir Augustus Foster Bart, and Others, 1777-1859. First Edition. With 17 illustrations.

London / Glasgow and Dublin, Blackie & Son Limited, 1898. Octavo (16 cm x 22,5 cm). XII, 497 pages with 16 full-page-illustrations and one small vignette, showing the Two Duchesses in cordial embrace. Hardcover / Original, green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering and ornament to spine and armorial supralibro to cover with the Motto of the “British chivalric Order of the Garter”: “Honi soit qui mal y pense” [″shame on anyone who thinks evil of it”]. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. “Presentation Copy of “The Two Duchesses” with Autograph / Manuscript – Letter by Vere Foster to his niece, Emily Albinia “Alba” Foster. With a stunning, unpublished, two-page manuscript letter, revealing several important details about the immediately favorable reviews and reception of the book “Two Duchesses” [″in the Daily Telegraph”] and Vere Foster’s disdain about some criticism from one J.Donohue [which led to an alteration in the second edition of the book]. Vere Foster is also expecting a review to appear in the “Athenaeum” but reports: “the Athenaeum has nothing yet”. Vere Foster apologizes to his niece for the delay in sending the book and explains that he had left 12 “parcels” with Blackie’s agent and gave instructions to send them, but a few days later found they had been “untouched”. One of the most important finds of Vere Foster – Material in recent years with no sign of similar material on offer in the past years on the international market.

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Vere Foster, "Presentation Copy of "The Two Duchesses" with Autograph / Manuscript-Letter

4. Foster, Vere [Henry Louis / Lewis] / [Emily Albinia “Alba” Foster] / [Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire].

Amazing Vere Foster-Collection including Educational Materials and as a centerpiece the “Presentation Copy of “The Two Duchesses” with Autograph / Manuscript – Letter by Vere Foster to his niece, Emily Albinia “Alba” Foster. With a stunning, unpublished, two-page-letter, revealing several important details about the immediately favorable reviews and reception of the book [″in the Daily Telegraph”] and Vere Foster’s disdain about some criticism from one J.Donohue [which led to an alteration in the second edition of the book]. Vere Foster is also expecting a review to appear in the “Athenaeum” but reports “the Athenaeum has nothing yet”. Vere Foster apologizes to his niece for the delay in sending the book and explains that he had left 12 “parcels″£ with Blackie’s agent and gave instructions to send them but a few days later found they had been “untouched”. / The Two Duchesses – Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire – Family Correspondence of and Relating to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire, Earl of Bristol (Bishop of Derby), The Countess of Bristol, Lord and Lady Byron, The Earl of Aberdeen, Sir Augustus Foster Bart, and Others, 1777-1859. [See Full list of items which are part of this collection, on our website under the topic “Libraries & Collections”].

First Edition. London / Glasgow and Dublin, Blackie & Son Limited, 1898. Octavo (15 cm x 22 cm). Pagination: Frontispiece, IX, [3], 497 pages with 18 Illustrations (including frontispiece and one Vignette of the two Duchesses opposite page 1). Hardcover / Original, publisher’s green cloth with gilt lettering on spine. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. This is an astonishing find for the Vere Foster Research Community and the letter gives significant insight into the importance the publication had for him, its reception as seen by Vere Foster and it solves the riddle why an altertaion was necessary for the second edition [which Vere Foster explains in a brief note to the reader at the beginning of the second edition]. The heartfelt inscription to his niece Albinia Foster is also of great importance and to our knowledge the only presentation-copy of this book on the international market for the several decades we can look back at auction records.

EUR 9.500,-- 

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