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Manuscript Letters/Autographs (49 items)

Luke, Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Rear Admiral, Sir Arthur Bromley & Lord Chamberlain Inviation

31. [Malta Content] – Luke, Harry [then Lieut. Gov. of Malta] / Rear Admiral, Sir Arthur Bromley / George V. / Princess Elizabeth & The Duke of Edinburgh.

Autographed Letter, signed (ALS) by Rear Admiral, Sir Arthur Bromley & Lord Chamberlain Inviation, alerting Luke “Dear Mr.Luke – The Secretary of State who is acting for the Secretary of State for the Colonies during his absence in Canada would like to present you and Mrs. Luke to their Majesties the King and Queen after tea at the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on the 21st. If you intend to be present at the Garden Party will you please meet me at the north side of the Royal Tea Tent on 5 o’clock on that afternoon ?……Yours very truly A[rthur] Bromley – Rear-Admiral. Ceremonial Secretary, 14th July, 1932. / The letter was sent on July 8th, 1932, in an official envelope of the Lord Chamberlain to Luke c/o Colonial Office in Downing Street but was redirected to St.James’ Club and accompanied by an official Invitation – Card “The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by Their Majesties to invite Mr. & Mrs. H.C.Luke…..”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. [Oxford], c.1943. Small Octavo. 1 Letter (ALS) and 2 Royal Invitation-Cards in Lord Chamberlain-Envelope. From Sir Harry Luke’s personal library. Luke added to this envelope an additional Royal Invitation-Card which was addressed to Luke in later life, by the Lord Chamberlain in July 1949 after the Lord Chamberlain was “commanded by Their Majesties [then Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Philip, Duke of Edinburgh] to invite ‘Sir Harry Luke’ to an Afternoon Party in the Garden of Buckingham Palace on Thursday 7th July, 1949, from 4 to 6 o’clock (Weather Permitting)”.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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Luke, A Bibliography of Sierra Leone: Preceded By An Essay On The Origin, Character and Peoples of the Colony and Protectorate.

35. [Sierra Leone Content] – Luke, Harry Charles / [Professor Edward Blyden III].

Collection of two publications and several letters: A Bibliography of Sierra Leone: Preceded By An Essay On The Origin, Character and Peoples of the Colony and Protectorate. [This publication comes with Luke’s personal copy of Sierra Leone Studies No.IX. – August 1927, in which Luke did not only write the Editorial Introduction but we also see included in this issue as an introduction to the section on “Street and Place Names in and around Freetown” (by Dr.R.H.Kennan), a reprinted letter of R.H.Kennan to Luke (page 9 of this issue). Luke notes on the cover of this issue the main reason why this pamphlet is in his private library: “including an account of our Mount Bintumane ascent” [Luke was part of the Mount Bintumane Expedition: “On the 18th August, 1926, Bintumane, the highest peak of the Lomas, the loftiest mountains in Sierra Leone, was climbed for the first time by an officer administering the Government of the Colony….on a fine misty morning we left our rest camp, situated beside a beautiful white-water face, itself more than 2,500 feet above sea level and, headed by the Acting Governor (Mr.Luke), commenced the Ascent [Sir Ransford Slater, Governor of Sierra Leone, made the ascent only the following year (1927)]. This wonderful collection of two publications also includes several loosely inserted Typescripts and Manuscript-letters between Sir Harry Luke and Professor Edward Blyden III as well as letters from Dr.P.E.H.Hair from Fourah Bay College, Freetwown, Sierra Leone / Also included a manuscript note from Luke, titled “Description of Photographs from Sierra Leone” in which Luke outlines in detail nine (9) illustrations [possibly for a later edition of the work] and mentions: “A Paramount Chief in Gala costume with wives, children and staff-bearer. The wives holding rattles used in the Dances of the Bundu (Women’s secret Society), Mende Tribe, Railway District, Sierra Leone / A Porro Devil on stilts (a Dancer of the Porro or Men’s secret society) etc. etc.]. With Illustrations And Map.

Second, Enlarged Edition. [This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Oxford University Press, 1925. 19 cm x 13 cm. 230 pages, 4 illustrations. Original Hardcover. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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Luke, From a South Seas Diary: 1938-1942.

37. [Pacific Content / Gardner Island] – Luke, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke / [Gerald Gallagher on Nikumaroro (Gardner Island) / Patrick Jay Hurley – United States Minister to New Zealand].

From a South Seas Diary: 1938-1942. [Personal Working copy Number One without Index / “Review copy” of Sir Harry Luke – with very many annotations, additions and corrections which led to the ultimate finished print (this working copy has no Index yet) / With Three (3) Letters loosely inserted of which one is regarding funds for a bronze plaque for Gerald Gallaghaer’s grave on Nikumaroro (Gardner Island) / With Two (2) manuscript notes loosely inserted / With one handmade and handpainted bookmark signed and gifted Christmas 1941 by Cottrell-Dormer, Cox of the Iririki Hospital (Cottrell-Dormer is also mentioned in the Preface) / With a tipped-in Typescript on page 233, regarding the unannounced visit to Suva by United States Minister to New Zealand, Patrick Jay Hurley, on his way to take office. This typescript was clearly written to be included in the book but, for obvious reasons of diplomatic tact, never made it into the final publication. The typescript includes manuscript annotations by Luke and is a fine character-study of Patrick Hurley and his tendency to greet people with “an ear-piercing Indian war whoop or yell [Choctaw war crie, by Luke wrongly remembered as Osage Indian] / Luke rememberes in the typescript the spring of 1942: “About this time I was asked by Washington to look out for and put up, among many American military and naval notabilities who used to pass through Suva….crossing and recrossing the Pacific….So whenever a Catalina was sighted as being about to alight in Suva Harbour, my A.D.C. would hurry down to meet her…..One afternoon in 1942, Mungo dashed off to meet such an aircraft and did not return empty. Into the drawing-room of Government House strode a tall….flamboyant figure…General Hurley soon gave me to understand that in his private opinion Oklahoma was the only State in the Union that really mattered, an opinion which in the circumstances seemed an entirely proper one for him to cherish”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Nicholson & Watson, 1945. 19 cm x 12,5 cm. 252 pages with 185 photographs by the author. Original Softcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Split hinge, almost detached. Otherwise in fair condition.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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