3479. Hulot, Le Baron / Rabot, Charles.
La Géographie – Bulletin de la Société de Géographie. Tome I – Tome XXIX (29 Tomes / 29 Volumes). Collection of 29 Volumes comprising of the complete set from the year 1900 until the year 1913. Each year has two half-year volumes (Semestre) with many large fold-out maps in colour. [With very interesting original articles in first edition: Fanny Bullock-Workman – Exploration du Nun-Kun / Roald Amundsen – Vers le Pole magnetique boreal par le passage du Nord-Ouest / Charles Rabot – Le desastre de l’expedition Robert Falcon Scott etc.]
Paris, Masson et Cie, 1900. Quarto. Tome I – 1er Semestre 1900 (506, 2 pages with 31 maps) / Tome II – 2e Semestre 1900 (528 pages with 26 maps) / Tome III – 1er Semestre 1901 (574, 6 pages with 30 maps) / Tome IV – 2e Semestre (487 pages with 13 maps) / Tome V – 1er Semestre 1902 (503, 2 pages) / Tome VI – 2e Semestre 1902 (436 pages) both Volumes with many maps and gravures and photographs) / Tome VII – 1er Semestre 1903 (487, 1 pages) / Tome VIII – 2eme Semestre1903 (420 pages plus an appendix “Liste des Membres Decembre 1903” (47 pages that list hundreds of members like Henry Morgan Stanley, Fridtjof Nansen, Brito Capello, Ferdinand von Richthofen etc.) Both Volumes with many maps and illustrations/ Tome IX – 1er Semestre 1904 (496 pages) / Tome X – 2eme Semestre 1904 (418 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XI – 1er Semestre 1905 (504 pages) / Tome XII – 2eme Semestre 1905 (483 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XIII – 1er Semestre 1906 (511 pages) / Tome XIV – 2eme Semestre 1906 (426 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XV – 1er Semestre 1907 (495 pages) / Tome XVI – 2eme Semestre 1907 (458 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XVII – 1er Semestre 1908 (520 pages) / Tome XVIII – 2eme Semestre 1908 (444 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XIX – 1er Semestre 1909 (502 pages) / Tome XX – 2eme Smestre 1909 (428 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XXI – 1er Semestre 1910 (480, 2 pages plus an appendix “Liste des Membres Decembre 1910” that list hundreds of members and also some new members like Sven Hedin and Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Robert E. Peary etc.) / Tome XXII – 2eme Semestre 1910 (470 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XXIII – 1er Semestre 1911 (519 pages) / Tome XXIV – 2eme Semestre 1911 (436 pages) Both Volumes with many maps, illustrations and photographs / Tome XXV – 1er Semestre 1912 (472 pages) Tome XXVI – 2eme Semestre 1912 (456 pages) Both Volumes with many maps and gravures and photographs / Tome XXVII – 1er Semestre 1913 (515 pages) / Tome XXVIII – 2eme Semestre 1913 (432 pages) both Volumes with many maps and gravures and photographs / Tome XXIX – 1er Semestre 1914 (480 pages with maps, photographs and illustrations) / Hardcover – All 29 Volumes in beautiful buckram bindings from the Alpine Club London with the Library Signet of the Alpine Club to the lower spine. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. All bindings firm and unbroken. The original publishers interims brochure has been bound in and shows wonderful examples of advertisings for expeditions, camping. Advertisements from famous companies like Ponthus et Therrode – Constructeurs d’Instruments de precision successeurs de A. Hurlimann et de A. Berthelemy (Theodolites – Sextants – Cercles – Niveaux etc.) The magnificent folded maps all included. Volume 20 with minor damage to a few pages that were unopened ! A most important periodical of the early 20th century that was subscribed by nearly all of the important explorers at the time (From Shackleton and Stanley to Peary). The early discoveries colonial expeditions are all described in this periodical. This is a unique opportunity to acquire a corresponding set with the excellent provenance of the worlds oldest and still most important mountaineering club (The Alpine Club, London).