3367. [John Minihan Collection] – [Beckett, Samuel] / [Minihan, John] – Wakeman, John and Hilary.
The Shop – A Magazine of Poetry – Issue number 8 / Spring 2002 [Specially signed John Minihan – Samuel Beckett – Issue with cover illustration bearing the rare color-photograph of Samuel Becket by John Minihan showing Beckett in his Hyde Park Hotel-Room in London, 1980. Also included in this issue is a black-and-white photograph of Beckett, printed opposite David Wheatley’s essay “Beckett’s Last Word”].
Dublin, THE SHOP, 2002. 20,5 cm x 24 cm. 77 pages with illustrations by Hammond Journeaux, Mary Norman, Joakim Saeflund, Rody Treacy and photographs by John Minihan Original, illustrated Softcover. Signed by John Minihan on the cover. Rare !