West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Meigs, Tradition and confessionalism, 1400-1690.

Meigs, Samantha A.:

Tradition and confessionalism, 1400-1690.

Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1997. 23 cm. XI, 209 pages. Softcover. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. A fantastic, exceptional publication on this topic. [Early modern history series].

Includes for example: The Irish Anomaly / The Aes Dana / The Chieftains / The Gaelic Monasteries / The Bardic Tradition and Gaelic Devotional Literature / Cultural Implications of the Gaelic Resurgence / Fifteenth-Century Bibliotheques / Hagiography / Gaelic Religious Poetry / Transmission of Religious Ideas through Bardic Poetry / The Cult of the Saints in Late Medieval Ireland / Genealogies of the Saints / Kinship and Authority / Pilgrimages, Shrines and Relics / The Pre-Reformation Institutional Church / Patronage / Involvcement of the Laity in Religious Affairs / Religious Orders in Gaelic Ireland / Coarbs, Erenachs and Termoners / The GAelic Response to Protestantism / The Rise and Fall of Protestantism in Ireland (1534-1603) / Bards into Missionaries / The Bardic Tradition / GAelic Vernacular Poetry / The Evolution of Gaelic Catholic Nationalism / The Entrenchment of a Confessional Church / The Evolution of an Irish Hierarchy / Elite Religion in Seventeenth-Century Ireland / Sacramental Observance / The Cult of the Saints / The Transformation of Traditional Religion in Ireland / Elite Perceptions: The Anglo-Irish Scientists, Foreign Catholics, The Tridentine Reformers / Sacramental Observance: Wakes, Charms, The Mystification of Gaelic Religion / etc. etc.

EUR 40,-- 

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Meigs, Tradition and confessionalism, 1400-1690.