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Girvin, From Union to Union - Nationalism, democracy and religion in Ireland - A

Girvin, Brian.

From Union to Union – Nationalism, Democracy and Religion in Ireland – Act of Union to EU.

Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2002. 25 cm. viii, 278 pages. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket. The dustjacket slightly torn. Otherwise in excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Includes for example: Why the Irish did not become British ! / Nationalism, Unioniusm and Violence: The Impact of the 1916 Rebellion on Irish Political Culture 1910-1922 / From Civil War to National Integration: The Nature and Consequences of Irish Independence 1923-1945 / Building a Moral Community: Church, State and Society, 1937-1961 / Emigration and the Failure of Rural Ireland, 1945-1961 / etc. etc.

EUR 40,-- 

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Girvin, From Union to Union – Nationalism, democracy and religion in Ireland – Act of Union to EU.