The Heart of Africa – Three Years’ Travels and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of Central Africa. From 1868 to 1871. Translated by Ellen E. Frewer. With an Introduction by Winwood Reade. In Two Volumes. With Maps and Woodcut Illustrations.
Reprint of the original edition London, 1873. 2 Volumes (complete set). Farnborough, Gregg International Publishers Ltd., 1969. 14 cm x 22 cm. Volume 1: XVI, 559 pages. 79 illustrations by J.D. Cooper. Fold-out map at front showing “Dr Schweinfurth’s Discoveries in Central Africa”. Volume 2: Frontispiece, X, 521 pages. 45 illustrations by J.D. Cooper. Map at front titled “Sketch Map of Dr Schweinfurth’s Routes, 1868-1871”. Recent Hardcover [publisher’s green cloth] with gilt lettering on spine. Binding in excellent condition. Tiny blemish to lower spine of Volume two. Otherwise in excellent, close to new condition.
Originally published in London by Sampson Low. Marston, Low & Searle in 1873.
Includes, for example, the following: Volume 1 – The Bedouin camp at O-Mareg. Arrival at the Nile / Arrival at Khartoom / Dyafer Pasha, the Governor General / Ivory trade at Khartoom / Herds of the Hassanieh / The Mountain Nyemati / Mohammed Kher, the robber chief / Fashoda, the most southernly military station / Camp at Mudir/Mohammed Aboo-Sammat / Treachery of the Shilooks / Arabian protocol / Description of the Dinka / Arrival at Ghattas’s chief Seriba / Trip to the Dyoor and to Wowo / Hunting adventure with a bastard Gems-bok / Death of Arslan / Cattle-raids on the Dinka / Fear of Ghosts in Kulongo / Nubian love of drink / Smoking in Africa / The Bongo / Width of the skull / Corpulence of the Women / Belief in Witches / Extermination of the race / Six women-slaves burnt / Jewish school / Orgies and Drum-beating / Tour through the Mittoo country / Dokkuttoo / Dangadduloo / Kurraggera / A speech of the Kenoosian / Kuddoo on the Roah / Fetters of fashion / Preparations from the Niam-niam campaign / Banner of Islam Visit to Nganye / Passage of the Manzilly / Monbuttoo fronter/Arrival at Munza’s residence etc.
Volume 2 – The Niam-Niam / The Monbutto / The Pygmies / Dialect inarticulate / The river Kahpily / Detruncated heads / Mount Baginze / Skulls No. 36, 37, and 38 / Indifference of Nubians to Cannibaliam / Route from Rikkete to Kanna / Route between Kuddoo and Mbomo / Tikkitikki and the cows / Defeat of Khartoomers by Ndoruma / Nubian supersitions / The Pongo / Frontiers of the Bongo and Golo / The Kooroo / Copper mines at Darfoor / Underwood of Cycadeae / Wild game around Dehm Adlan / Katherine II’s villages / Baseness of Fakis / Three classes of Gellahbas / Intercourse with Mofio / Price of Slaves / Slave-raids of Mehemet Ali / Chinese immigration / Habits of the Aulacodus etc.
Georg August Schweinfurth, (1836-1925), German botanist and traveler who explored the region of the upper Nile River basin known as the Bahr al Ghazal and discovered the Uele River, a tributary of the Congo River.
Schweinfurth’s interest in African plants took him across the Red Sea to the Sudanese port of Suakin and overland to Khartoum in 1863. On his return to Berlin in 1866, he obtained a grant permitting him to conduct a botanical exploration in the Bahr al Ghazal region. In January of 1869 he went back by way of Suakin to Khartoum, where he began his ascent of the White Nile River and then ventured into the southwestern Sudan region with a party of ivory traders. He visited the Bongo and Mangbetu peoples as well as the allegedly cannibalistic Naim-Naim, who filed their teeth to points. He also provided the first authoritative account of the Congo Pygmies. Schweinfurth crossed the Nile-Congo watershed and, in March 1870, reached the westward-flowing Uele River, a tributary branch of the Congo, which he mistook for a part of the Niger River. His discovery of the Uele, however, helped toward a final estimate of the extent of the Nile system. In 1873 Schweinfurth published The Heart of Africa. From 1875 to 1888 he lived in Cairo, studying the botany, geology, paleontology, and archaeology of Egypt and Middle Eastern regions. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
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