West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Reichenbach, The Experimential Element in Knowledge.

Reichenbach, Hans / Goodman, Nelson / Lewis, Clarence I. (C.I.).

The Experimential Element in Knowledge [Three Papers read at the 1951 meeting of the Eastern Division of the Amrican Philosophical Association at Bryn Mawr College: I. Hans Reichenbach – Are Phenomenal Reports absolutely Certain ? / II. Nelson Goodman – Sense and Certainty / III. C.I.Lewis – The Given Element in Empirical Knowledge /

Philosophical Review, 1952. 8°. 28 pages. Offprint from “The Philosophical Review” Vol. LXI, No. 2, 1952. Octavo, paginated 147-175. An offprint from The Philosophical Review of a paper read at the 1951 meeting of the Eastern Division of the APA, entitled “The Given Element in Empirical Knowledge”. Near fine in stapled wraps lacking external covers, as issued.

EUR 90,-- 

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Lewis, The Experiential Element in Knowledge.