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[Weegee, Aperture Masters of Photography - Weegee.

[Weegee] (Arthur Fellig), Talmey, Allene.

Aperture Masters of Photography: Weegee.

Cologne, New York, Konemann Verlags Gmbh and Aperture Foundation, Inc. 1997. 21 cm x 21 cm. 95 pages. Original Hardcover with dustjacket. Cover design by Peter Feierabend. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Weegee (Arthur Fellig) photographed the underbelly of city life with a love of the sensational. His photographs of unabashed suffering, boisterous joy and boiling laughter have an unsettling beauty. All photographs in this volume were selected by Marvin Israel.
Introduction and brief biography by Allene Talmey with parallel translations in French and German.
Photographs selected include: Accident Victim in Shock / Bar / Sammy’s on the Bowery / Their First Murder / etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Weegee. Aperture Masters of Photography – Weegee.