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Baldwin, Bibliography of Philosophy, Psychology and Cognate Subjects.

Rand, Benjamin.

Bibliography of Philosophy, Psychology and Cognate Subjects.

Two Volumes (Complete Set) Massachusetts, Peter Smith / The Macmillan Company, 1949. 19.2 cm x 26.1 cm. Pagination: Volume I: XXIV, 542 pages. Volume II: VI, 649 pages (p.543-p.1192). Original Hardcover. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. Only very minor tanning to edges of both volumes. Otherwise excellent, very clean and binding strong. [Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology – Volume III: Part I and Part II – Edited by James Mark Baldwin].

Includes for example the following bibliographies: History of Philosophy: Oriental Philosophy / Early Christian and Medieval Philosophy / Italian and other Schools / Philosophers: their works, and works upon them:– Aristotle / Confucius / Descartes / Emerson, Ralph Waldo / Friedrich Wilhelm II (called ‘The Great’) / Galilei, Galileo / Nietzsche, Frederick Wilhelm / Pythagorus / Wolff, Hermann / Socrates / Systemic Philosophy: Metaphysics / Cosmology / Atomism / Causation and Energy / Personality / Logic: Error and Truth / Judgment and Proposition / Symbolic and Mathematical Logic / Aesthetics / Philosophy of Religion: Future Life / Sin / Ethics: Altruism and Egoism / Freedom and Determination / Good and Evil / Utilitarianism / Psychology: Child Psychology / Abnormal and Criminal Psychology / Brain and its Functions / Consciousness / Mind and Body / Self-Consciousness and Personality / Space-and Time-perception etc.

EUR 200,-- 

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Bibliography of Philosophy, Psychology and Cognate Subjects.