West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Downes, The Temper of Victorian Belief.

Pater – Downes, David Anthony.

The Temper of Victorian Belief. Studies in the Religious Novels of Pater, Kingsley, and Newman.

New York, Twayne Publishers. 1972. 8°. 159 Pages. Hardcover with dustjacket in protective Mylar. Very good condition.

[The Volume contains the following Chapters: “The Phenomenon of Belief” (W.H.Pater), “Prophet of Convulsion” (Reverend Charles Kingsley), The Modern Medievalist” (John Henry Newmann) and “Myth, History, and Belief”.].

EUR 60,-- 

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Downes, The Temper of Victorian Belief.