West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Crawshaw, Scientific Temperance Addresses.

Crawshaw, E.

Scientific Temperance Addresses. Illustrated.

(London), Church of England Temperance Society, no year (c.1900). 8°. 98 pages with additional 15 pages added: Catalogue of Books &c. published by the Church of England Temperance Society. Hardcover / Original cloth. Stronger bump to one corner. Small stamp: “Church of England Temperance Society”. Rare !

Chapters on: Water / Alcohol / Intoxicating Drinks / Food / Digestion / The Blood / The Heart / Blood-Vessels and Temperature / The Skin, Lungs and Kidneys / The Brain / The Nervous System /

EUR 70,-- 

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Crawshaw – Scientific Temperance Addresses.