West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Evans, The Environment of Early Man in the British Isles.

Evans, John G.

The Environment of Early Man in the British Isles [Including: The Burren in County Clare, Ireland]

London, Paul Elek, 1976. 16 x 24 cm. XIV, 216 pages. Original Hardcover in original dustjacket. Price clipped. Very good condition with minor signs of external wear. [Elek Archaeology and Anthropoligy]

Contains among others the following chapters: Plates; Figures; Geological Tables; The Hoxnian Interglacial; The Upper Pleistocene; The influence of the Ice Age on the environment of Britain; The early Post-glacial; The impact of man on the environment in mid Post-glacial times; Prehistoric and early farmers; The historical period etc.

EUR 48,-- 

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Evans, The Environment of Early Man in the British Isles.