West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Hawthorne, Two Centuries of Irish History.

Hawthorne, James.

Two Centuries of Irish History. Based on a BBC Radio Series. Edited by James Hawthorne.

London, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1969. 13 cm x 19,5 cm. 136 pages, 27 illustrations. Original Hardcover with illustrated dustjacket in protective Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.

Contains for example the following chapters: The factors which led to the rebelion of 1798 and the subsequent Act of Union / The effects of the failure of the potato crop in the years 1845-1850 / The growth of the cotton, linen, rope and shipbuilding industries and the consequent prosperity of the North-East / Parnell and Gladstone / Fenian and Sinn Fein / ‘Ulster Will Fight’ / The Easter Rising / The period 1918-1923. Guerilla warfare throughout Ireland, the Act of 1920 and the Treaty of 1921.

EUR 40,-- 

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Hawthorne, Two Centuries of Irish History.