Soldier of the Rearguard: The Story of Matt Flood and the Active Service Column.
Fermoy, Éigse Na Mainistreach Publications, 1977. 12 cm x 18 cm. 69 pages, 3 illustrations. Original Softcover. Excellent, near mint condition with only minor signs of wear. Very rare book.
Matt Flood knew action on thre fronts, – in Flanders with the British army at the age of sixteen years, then with the Irish Volunteers and I.R.A. against the British in the fight for independence, and finally with the Irregular I.R.A. units in the Civil War.
He met men such as General Liam Lynch, Commandant Mick Fitzgerald, Commandant Ernie O’Maller, George Power, Dick Willis, Jackie Bolster, Sean Moylan, Moss Twomey, Professor Alfred O’Rahilly, Canon O’Kennedy, Sean Hegarty and many others.
He tells of training camps, ambushes, and action with the Active Service Unit, also about a great escape from Bere Ilsand prison camp and the hunger strike at the Curragh. One can almost feel the tension and excitement of the long night waiting in position for the dawn attack on a British convoy in this story, told in Matt’s own words.
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