Glimpses of an Irish Felon’s Prison Life. With an Introduction by P.S. O’Hegarty.
Cork, The National Publications Committee, 1970. 14 cm x 22 cm. 63 pages. Original illustrated softcover. Very good condition with minor signs of external wear.
Includes the following chapters: Early Prison Thoughts / The Inhuman Treatment of Doctor Gallagher / A Skirmish With Inspector Littlechild / The Chatham “Irish Felon” / Through To The Outside World / Learning A Trade / Bobby Burns of Chatham / The Golden Rule of Life for a Long-Sentence Prisoner / Passing The Time In Prison / Billy Jackson / A Medley / The Silence Torture / Minor Memories etc.
″Thomas James ‘Tom’ Clarke (Irish: Tomás Séamus Ó Cléirigh; 11 March 1858 – 3 May 1916) was an Irish republican revolutionary leader from Dungannon, County Tyrone. Clarke was arguably the person most responsible for the 1916 Easter Rising. A proponent of armed revolution for most of his life, he spent 15 years in English prisons prior to his role in the Easter Rising, and was executed after it was quashed.” (Wikipedia)
″I first met Tom Clarke in, I think, 1909, and in the years of close association that followed came to know him well and to love him well. To all the young men of the Separatist movemet of that time he was a help and an inspiration. And he was surely the exception in his own generation, the one shining example. It was a time of struggle in the Separatist movement, a time when the least little thing might have tilted the balance the wrong way, when, as it happened, Tom Clarke tilted it the right way.” (Introduction)
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