Irish Whiskey – A History of Distilling, the Spirit Trade and Excise Controls in Ireland.
Dublin / New York, Gill and MacMillan, 1973. Octavo. XIV, 462 pages with numerous illustrations, portraits and diagram [of Coffey’s Distilling Apparatus]. Original Hardcover with the rare, original dustjacket in protective collector’s Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. The dustjacket with some damage. One of the very, very rare, detailed and important publications on Irish Whisky / Irish Whiskey and its history. A classic !
This very important monograph includes chapters on: The Distillery Process / The Distillery Apparatus [with large diagram] / Assessing Spirit / The Excise Administration / Early History [of Irish Whiskey] / The Middle Period 1780-1823 / The Nineteenth Century 1823-1900 [19th century] / The Present Century [20th century] / Distillers Past and Present / Illicit Distillation /
Portraits include: James Power, founder of John Power and Son Limited (the Irish Distillers’ John’s Lane Distiller) / James Murphy, son of James Murphy who founded Midleton Distillery in 1825 / Photograph of Power’s Bottling Plant in June 1895 / Photograph of original Waterwheel at Irish Distillery in Midleton etc. etc.
Index of this work also guides to hundreds of passages in the text that for example deal with: Malting, Low Wines, Cork’s North Mall Distiller, Sir James Murray and the proof measuring device, Poteen & Poteen as a peasant preference, Price of spirits, Prohibition proposed, Quality of legal spirits, Monasterevan distillery, Cork Glen Distillers etc. etc.
EUR 250,--
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