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[Luke, Original Notice of the 488th Meeting of the "Strafford Club", signed (in

[Education of Sir Harry Luke] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] Ormsby-Gore, W.G.A. [William George Arthur].

Original Notice of the 488th Meeting of the “Strafford Club”, signed (in print) by Hon. Sec. W.G.A. Ormsby-Gore, (New Coll.) regarding: “That in the opinion of the Club some Reform in our present tariff system is immediately needed for the improvement of the social and industrial position of this country and for the further unity and stability of His Majesty’s Empire” – “The following Officers for next term have been proposed by Mr.Shedden and seconded by the President: For President – Mr.C.Overy / For Treasurer – Mr.B.J.Gould / For Secretary – Mr.H.C.Lukach”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Oxford, New College, August 7th, 1905. Octavo. One manuscript letter, accompanied by two an original section from the Oban Times in which the adventures of Luke and Pirie-Gordon were discussed in the issue of Saturday, August 5, 1905. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

Luke mentions the Strafford Cllub in his memoirs: “A more sedate interest was the right-wing University Strafford Club, of which I became President in 1907 in succession to W.Ormsby-Gore of New College, now the distinguished ex-Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lord Harlech. Inevitably the Chaplain of the Club was Dr.F.W. Bussell, Vice-Principal of Brasenose….The Strafford, the two College paper-andplay-reading Clubs, the Gryphon and the Gargoyle, and the Union, where I spoke occasionally, completed my affiliations of that sort” (C&M I, 111)

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Luke, Original Notice of the 488th Meeting of the “Strafford Club”, signed (in print) by Hon. Sec. W.G.A. Ormsby-Gore