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[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry

[Family History of Sir Harry Luke] – [Luke, Sir Harry] / Matthias Likeij – Freemason at St.John’s Lodge / St.Johannisloge / Carl Sörensson //

Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin, Swedish Philosopher Matthias Likeij, Member, “Sancti Johannis Meister” of the St.John’s Lodge in Christianstad. Including eight (8) Manuscript letters between swedish Freemason Carl Sörensson, Visby, dated between the years 1899 – 1902 and Broder [Matthias] Likeij.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. [Visby / Christiansstad], 1899 – 1902. Octavo – Folio. Two original Masonic Diplomas for Matthias Likeij and eight (often multi-page) letters. From the personal library of Sir Harry Luke (Luke was a Mason as well and a cousin of Matthias Likeij), protected in a special envelope: “On His Majesty’s Service”.

According to these masonic documents, Matthias Likeij has progressed from “Master of St.John” in the year 1888 to “Intimate Brother of Salomo, at the great Lodge of the ninth Province of the Freemasons Knight of West” in the year 1890.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin
[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin
[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin
[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin
[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin
[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin
[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin
[Luke, Collection of Manuscript Masonic Letters and Masonic Papers of Sir Harry Luke’s Cousin