In Form, Digressions on the Act of Fiction.
Carbondale / Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1985. 22.5cm x 13.8cm. xxii, 247 pages. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.
Includes for Example: Form, a dynamic force that must never be taken for granted, but must be created as the work itself is shaped/ The writer struggles to escape pre-existing ideas, inventing as he writes: “The next word is always a surprise”/ Writing – an action that becomes literary only in retrospect/ The variables involved in the act of fiction, considering the theory, criticism, lived experience, and even the publication process as they form/ Proposal that that primary concern of the writer is liberation from the stage formulas that falsify our experience/ “The novel must change or die”, Sukenik asserts/ The “form of the traditional novel as a metaphor for a society that no longer exists”/ Digressions toward a study of comosition/ Digressions in the politics of language/ Digressions on narrative authority/ The Finnegan digression/ Film digression/ Wallace Stevens: theory and practice/ Castaneda: Upward and Juanward/ Innovative fiction/ Innovative criteria etc.
Sukenick is one of the most original contemporary novelists/ He describes these essays as “the comments of a fiction writer about writing, not those of a critic on what has been written”.
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