L’Intelligence d’une Machine.
No. 24 / 100 exemplaires / No.24 of only 100 printed copies. Place of Printing, Jacques Melot, 1946. 22.7cm x 14cm. 193 (2) pages. Hardcover / Beautiful modern half morocco with marbled paper – covered boards. Gilt lettering on spine. Original softcover bound in. The excellent new binding preserves this early classic of Cinema well. Nice collector’s edition. [″Les Classiques du Cinéma”].
Epstein, the author, was a French filmmaker, film theorist, literary critic, and novelist. Although he is remembered today primarily for his adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher”, Epstein directed three dozen films and was an influential critic of literature and film from the early 1920s through the late 1940s. He is often associated with French Impressionist Cinema and the concept of photogénie. (Wikipedia)
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